La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut El Jefe is a premium handmade cigar created by Ashton Cigars and manufactured at My Father Cigars in Nicaragua. The cigar features a golden brown Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper that adds to the complexity of the blend while providing a smooth, creamy smoke. The binder is Nicaraguan and the filler consists of Nicaraguan Estelí and Condega tobaccos. This construction allows for an excellent balance of flavor and complexity that will satisfy any aficionado.
The 7 x 58 vitola provides plenty of time to appreciate the full-bodied flavors on offer, which include earthy notes, subtle sweetness, hints of spice, and a light pepper finish. La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut El Jefe offers smokers an exceptional experience that will leave them wanting more. The perfect burn and draw makes for an enjoyable smoking experience from start to finish. This is truly a top-notch product from Ashton Cigars that all connoisseurs should try at least once!