San Cristobal Cigars
The San Cristobal Quintessence line embodies the perfect combination of sophistication and complexity. This medium to full-bodied cigar is crafted at the My Father Cigars S.A factory in Nicaragua, featuring an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper and a flavor profile characterized by brown sugar and spice notes.
For a truly captivating experience, we recommend pairing the San Cristobal Quintessence with a mojito or a drink with a similar flavor profile.
As we move on to the final line in the San Cristobal collection, prepare to embark on a flavor journey like no other with the Revelation line.
The San Cristobal Revelation cigar line invites you on a journey through a multitude of flavors and aromas, challenging your senses and transporting you to new heights of cigar enjoyment. Crafted with an Ecuador Sumatra wrapper and a blend of premium Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos, the San Cristobal Revelation line offers smokers a complex blend of earthy flavors complemented by leather, cedar, nuts, and spice notes.
We recommend pairing the San Cristobal Revelation with coffee, whiskey, rum, dark chocolate, black pepper, aged cheeses, and grilled meats to appreciate it fully. And, of course, to make the most of your cigar experience, follow the tips outlined in the next sections for proper storage, cutting, lighting, and savoring the flavors and aromas of the San Cristobal Revelation. Also handmade at the My Father Cigars S.A Factory in Estelí Nicaragua.
The San Cristobal Ovation cigar line is a premium offering that celebrates the excellence of the Garcia family's craftsmanship. Featuring a San Andrés Oscuro wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and filler, the Ovation line is available in a single Toro size, showcasing the skill and dedication that goes into each cigar. The Ovation line has earned high praise from Cigar Aficionado, including a 93 rating in the April 2020 issue and inclusion in their database.
To ensure smokers have an optimal smoke experience with the San Cristobal Ovation cigar, proper storage, correct cutting and lighting, and savoring the smoke experience are essential. These cigars are handmade in Estelí Nicaragua.
Next, we'll explore the Elegance line, which offers smokers a sophisticated complexity that is sure to captivate your senses still a mellow cigar.
The San Cristobal Elegancia cigar line is the epitome of refinement and smoothness. Crafted by the Don Pepin Garcia family in Nicaragua, this medium to light-bodied cigar features a flavor profile that includes savory tobacco, sweet coffee, white pepper, cashew, almond, and silky spices. Wrapped in a smooth Connecticut wrapper, the Elegancia line offers a subtle, pleasing, and sophisticated spiciness, with flavors of Estelí Nicaragua.
With its refined and smooth flavor profile, the San Cristobal Elegancia is a perfect choice for those who appreciate the nuances of a well-crafted cigar. As we continue our exploration of the San Cristobal collection, we'll delve into the Ovation line, a celebration of excellence in cigar-making.
The original San Cristobal line is a testament to the Garcia family's legacy and dedication to quality and craftsmanship. Handmade in Nicaragua using the world the finest aged Nicaraguan tobacco, these cigars may not be Cuban, but the Cuban cigar-making tradition inspires them.
The San Cristobal collection consists of four distinct lines of cigars: Elegancia, Ovation, Quintessence, and Revelation. Each line offers smokers a unique flavor profile and smoking experience, making them worthy additions to any cigar enthusiast's collection. All handmade in Estelí Nicaragua.
To fully appreciate the San Cristobal experience, we recommend exploring the suggested pairings in the next few sections, including coffee, whiskey, rum, dark chocolate, nuts, and cheeses.
San Cristobal Cigars: The Quintessential Cigar Experience
Imagine a luxurious escape, a moment of pure indulgence as you savor the rich flavors and aromas of a finely crafted San Cristobal cigar. This is the essence of the San Cristobal cigar experience, a journey through the heritage and artistry of the Garcia family. As you read on, you'll discover the history, inspiration, craftsmanship, and passion that goes into creating each San Cristobal cigar, as well as expert pairing suggestions and tips for enjoying these exceptional San Cristobal cigars to the fullest.
San Cristobal is a U.S. trademark held by the Levins since the 1980s. In the early 2000s, the Levins started looking into expanding their brand portfolio to include Nicaraguan cigars and developed a relationship with another family: The Garcias. They formed a partnership in 2006 and named their first new brand venture San Cristobal. San Cristobal was launched in 2007.
Short Summary
The Garcia family's Nicaraguan roots produce the finest aged premium tobaccos for San Cristobal cigars
San Cristobal is handcrafted with Cuban tradition and offers four distinct lines with unique flavor profiles and pairings.
Cigar Aficionado has rated the Quintessence Churchill 95/100 and included it in their esteemed database.
The Garcia Family Legacy
The Garcia family stands as a testament to tradition, quality, and innovation in the world of premium cigars. For generations, they have been crafting some of the finest cigars in Nicaragua, using a blend of experience and skill handed down through their hands throughout the ages. This dedication to their craft has culminated in the cigar collaboration they created with Ashton Cigars to create the San Cristobal collection, an exquisite range of cigars that boast a sophisticated range of blends, ranging from mild to full-bodied, with flavors of cedar, earth, dark chocolate, and Pepin's signature spices.
The Garcia family brand's commitment to quality has not gone unnoticed, with San Cristobal cigars commanding a price range of $9 to $13.00 per cigar, reflecting the premium-aged Nicaraguan tobaccos and aged leather wrappers used in their construction.
The next sections will delve deeper into the masterful craftsmanship and Nicaraguan roots that make San Cristobal cigars the quintessential cigar experience.
Masterful Craftsmanship and a Winner Cigar Collaboration
The Garcia family's expert craftsmanship sets them apart in the world of handmade premium cigars. Utilizing only the finest aged tobaccos grown on their own farms in Nicaragua and Miami, the family has developed a reputation for creating handmade cigars that offer unparalleled smoking experiences. Their attention to detail is evident in every aspect of the production process, from selecting the finest aged tobacco to carefully rolling each handmade cigar and aging them in cedar-lined rooms to ensure the perfect flavor and aroma.
This dedication to excellence is evident in the final product: a San Cristobal cigar with a smooth draw and a complex flavor profile that will satisfy even the most discerning cigar connoisseur.
As we explore the Nicaraguan roots of the Garcia family brand, we'll uncover how their heritage contributes a lot to what created the exceptional quality of San Cristobal cigars today.
Nicaraguan Roots
Nicaragua's tropical climate and nutrient-rich soil provide optimal conditions for cultivating tobacco, which has been at the heart of the Garcia family's legacy for generations. The high temperatures and ample rainfall create the necessary moisture for the plants to grow, while the nutrient-rich soil ensures that the plants can absorb the necessary nutrients for growth. This unique combination of climate and soil has allowed the Garcia family to excel in the art of tobacco cultivation, establishing an exclusive method of growing and curing tobacco that has been passed down through the generations.
The success and popularity of the Garcia family's Nicaraguan roots are reflected in the San Cristobal collection, a brand which has created and showcases the world the finest aged premium Nicaraguan tobaccos. In the next section, we'll explore the different lines of smoke in the San Cristobal collection and how they were created and exemplify the artistry and passion of the Garcia family.
The San Cristobal Collection - Ashton Cigars
Ashton Cigars, a world renowned name in the industry, has partnered with the Garcia family to create the San Cristobal Collection, an array of blends that showcase mild, medium, and full-bodied flavors. Crafted using the highest quality aged premium Nicaraguan tobaccos, these cigars are blended and rolled exclusively for Ashton Cigars by the father, the world renowned cigar maker Don Pepin Garcia owner of My Father Cigars S.A Factory.
The San Cristobal Collection comprises several distinct lines, each with its unique flavor profile and smoking experience: San Cristobal, Elegancia, Ovation, Quintessence, and Revelation.
In the following sections, we'll delve into the nuances of each line, exploring the flavors and characteristics that make them an essential part of any cigar aficionado's collection.
Pairing Suggestions
To truly elevate your San Cristobal cigar experience, it's essential to consider the right pairings. Whether you choose a beverage or a tasty treat, the right accompaniment can enhance the flavors of the cigar and create a harmonious and enjoyable experience.
In the next sections, we'll explore some of the recommended pairings for San Cristobal cigars, including beverages and foods that will complement and heighten the flavors of these exceptional cigars.
The ideal beverage pairing can bring out the best in a San Cristobal cigar, creating a delightful experience that is both complementary and synergistic. Cigar experts suggest cognac, single malt whiskey, bourbon, rum, rye, and port as the best beverages for pairing with San Cristobal cigars. These drinks accentuate the cigars' flavors and create a harmonious and enjoyable experience that can only be achieved through thoughtful pairing.
Whether you're a fan of spirits or prefer a non-alcoholic option, there are endless possibilities for creating unique and satisfying pairings with San Cristobal cigars. In the next section, we'll delve into the world of food pairings, offering suggestions for complementary flavors and textures that will enhance your cigar experience.
While beverages may be the more traditional choice for cigar pairings, the right food can also enhance the flavors and experience of a San Cristobal cigar. Smoked meats such as pepperoni, salami, and sausages are suggested as food pairings for San Cristobal cigars, as their rich and savory flavors complement the cigars' complexity. Chocolate-based desserts, including brownies, cakes, and cookies, can also be suitable accompaniments, providing a sweet contrast to the robust flavors of the cigars.
Other food pairings to consider include red wines such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Pinot Noir, as well as aperitifs like Campari, gin and tonic, and the Pimm's Cup. The key to finding the perfect food pairing is experimenting with different flavors and textures and discovering which combinations best complement and enhance your San Cristobal cigar experience.
Cigar Aficionado Recognition - San Cristobal Revelation
San Cristobal cigars have captured the hearts of a lot of cigar enthusiasts and gained the brand a lot of recognition from Cigar Aficionado, a leading publication in the world of cigars. For example, the San Cristobal Quintessence Churchill was rated 95 by Cigar Aficionado and was awarded the #3 Cigar of the Year accolade. The San Cristobal Revelation Legend was the brand the first to date to receive a #18 Cigar of the Year award with a 92 rating.
This recognition is a testament to the quality and craftsmanship that goes into each handmade box of San Cristobal cigar box boxes.
Top Ratings
Receiving a high rating from Cigar Aficionado is no small feat, and San Cristobal cigars have consistently impressed both critics and aficionados alike. The San Cristobal Quintessence Churchill, in particular, has achieved the highest rating of 95 from Cigar Aficionado, showcasing the exceptional quality and flavor profile that sets these cigars apart from the rest.
Inclusion in Cigar Aficionado's Database
In addition to these boxes' impressive ratings, a handful of boxes of San Cristobal cigars have also been included in Cigar Aficionado's database, the largest repository of cigar ratings and reviews available. Being part of this prestigious database is a testament to the quality and craftsmanship of San Cristobal cigars, solidifying their position as a top choice for cigar connoisseurs worldwide.
Tips for Enjoying San Cristobal Cigars
To fully appreciate the San Cristobal cigar smoke experience, following some best practices for storage, cutting, lighting, and savoring cigars is essential.
Ensuring that your cigars are properly stored, cut, and lit allows you to enjoy the full range of flavors and aromas these exceptional cigars offer.
Proper Storage
Properly storing your San Cristobal cigars is crucial to maintaining their quality and flavor. Keeping the cigars in a humidor at a temperature of 70-72 degrees Fahrenheit and relative humidity of 70-72% is recommended. Without a humidor, an airtight container with a Boveda pack or a Ziploc bag with a moist sponge can also be used to maintain optimal storage conditions.
It is also important to keep the boxes of cigars away from direct sunlight and in a cool, dry environment to prevent mold growth.
Cutting and Lighting
How you cut and light your San Cristobal cigar can significantly impact the overall smoking experience. Using a single-blade guillotine box cutter is recommended to cut the cigar just above the cap, preserving the tapered head.
When lighting your cigar, use a single torch lighter and hold the foot of the cigar away from the flame to prevent smoke from scorching and discoloring the wrapper.
Savoring the Experience
To enjoy the San Cristobal cigar experience, take your time while smoking and avoid over-puffing. This will allow you plenty of time to fully appreciate the rich flavors and aromas of the cigar smoke.
Pairing your cigar with the suggested beverages and foods, such as single malt, bourbon, rum, coffee, dark chocolate, and nuts, can also enhance the enjoyment of your cigar.
Throughout this journey into the world of San Cristobal cigars, we have explored the rich heritage of the Garcia family, the masterful craftsmanship behind each cigar, the unique characteristics of the various lines within the new brand collection, and expert tips for enjoying these exceptional cigars to the fullest. As you indulge in the San Cristobal cigar experience, savor the flavors, the aromas, and the passion that goes into each meticulously crafted cigar, and let the essence of the Garcia family and the new brand's legacy transport you to new heights of cigar enjoyment.