
About Us



Discover an exquisite range of premium handmade cigars at Cuenca Cigars' website store, the ultimate destination for cigar aficionados everywhere. Here, cigar lovers can explore a curated selection of top-quality cigars from across the globe at great prices. Immerse yourself in our meticulously crafted cigars' rich flavors, muted colors, and aromas, available online at unbeatable prices. Indulge in the world of fine cigars with Cuenca Cigars' website today!

Welcome to Cuenca Cigars

At Cuenca Cigars, we're not just about selling cigars; we're about curating experiences, fostering community, and preserving tradition. Nestled in the heart of historic Downtown Hollywood, Florida, our company values passion for cigars run deep. Our brand stories and origin stories are rooted in a rich heritage spanning generations.

Cuenca Cigars' personal brand is exclusively released in limited editions. Among these are "Hollyweird," paying homage to the city that welcomed our company and legacy; "Cuenca Cigars Anniversary," honoring our years in business; and "The Best o Nada," a tribute to OpusX Cigars, known for being among the best in the industry.


Since our business establishment in 2006, our only focus and unwavering commitment has been to provide customers with the best customer service, prices, and an exquisite selection of premium handmade cigars. Renowned for our meticulous curation, we offer customers a diverse range of offerings, including esteemed brands such as Opus X, Drew Estate, Aladino, Alec Bradley, Arturo Fuente, and other reputable brand names in the industry.

Whether you have a penchant for Dominican, Honduran, or Nicaraguan cigars, our collection ensures that you find the perfect match for your taste preferences in store.

Welcoming newcomers to the world of cigars is a joy for us. If you are embarking on your cigar smoking journey, about us, and seeking the finest options for beginners, look to our website with our about us page and go no further.

Explore our About Us pages as they accompany you on a journey into our roots. They will guide you through the nuances of the smoking experience in an engaging manner, equipping you with all the essentials to truly savor and appreciate the art of cigar smoking.


Cuenca Cigars is deeply embedded in Cuba, where the company's mission is. Miguel and Ana Cuenca, the company's co-founders, story, and passionate owners, spent an integral part of their formative years basking in the rich culture of cigar craftsmanship. During his youth, Miguel formed a close bond with the esteemed Cuban cigar expert Enrique Mons, whose mastery in creating the iconic Monsdale cigar left an indelible mark on him. Fuelled by his love for cigars, Miguel frequently collaborated with Mons, soaking in the expertise and artistry that defined the world of cigars.

Ana's upbringing on a tobacco plantation instilled a profound appreciation for the intricacies of tobacco cultivation and processing. Her deep-seated affection for tobacco mirrored Miguel's passion for rare cigars, further reinforcing their shared dream of establishing a company culture and creating a lasting legacy in the tobacco business and cigar industry together. This dream became a reality when they decided to relocate from Cuba to the United States, where they could turn their vision into a flourishing business.

In 2006, the couple's dream materialized with the grand opening of their company's history, the first local cigar shop, and the first emporium in Hollywood, Florida. This humble beginning marked the start of Cuenca Cigars' journey, a company and story that has now evolved into a prominent name in the world of premium hand-rolled cigars. Today, Cuenca Cigars continues to captivate a nationwide audience through the global impact of its renowned brands and sophisticated online retail platform, offering connoisseurs nationwide access to their company's story and exquisite cigar collection.

Step into the world of Cuenca Cigars and immerse yourself in our company's back story business, core values, and mission statement to create a realm of premium cigars that epitomize excellence. Discover why we are revered as industry leaders and indulge in the quality smoke and unparalleled craftsmanship that defines our brand.

Founded by the Cuenca family, our journey began with a humble love for cigars and a vision to share that passion with the world. What started as a business in a small local shop has blossomed into a name-brand company and premier destination for cigar enthusiasts worldwide. For over two decades, we've remained steadfast in our commitment to quality, authenticity, and exceptional service.


It's no wonder we're rated number one among cigar enthusiasts by hundreds of people nationwide. Our cigars are crafted with the finest tobacco leaves, expertly blended to deliver a smooth, rich flavor that captivates the senses. With just one puff of a good cigar, you'll love their luxurious smoke experience. Are you curious to see about us, our us page examples, hear more about us, and what people have to say about us? Check out our extensive web page, web design show, pages, and selection of glowing reviews and testimonials here.



Our exclusive range of personal brands of premium cigars is overwhelmingly favored, with our brand having a significant 10 to 1 preference compared to our competitors in other elements of the business in the smoking industry. Also, it is the cigar prices. We take pride and a great example in curating a meticulously chosen luxury brand and an assortment of top-tier cigars at competitive prices that cater to customers with a wide array of tastes and budgets, ensuring our brand is a perfect match for every connoisseur.


Purchase premium cigars from us pages the comfort of your location, no matter where you reside within the vast expanse of the United States. Our dedicated service ensures that your favorite cigars are delivered promptly and conveniently to your doorstep in all 50 states, allowing you to enjoy the finest smoking experience without hassle.


At 1928 Harrison St, Hollywood, Florida, where Cuenca Cigars is located, you're not just a customer walking in; you're welcomed as a member of our company and extended family! Our passionate and knowledgeable cigar experts, with years of experience and a deep love for the craft, are always eager to assist you in finding the perfect cigar to match your brand personality and preferences and make your experience exceptional. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or exploring the world of cigars for the first time, we are here to ensure you discover the perfect smoke for every occasion.


You can visit our local cigar shop, Cuenca Cigars, at 1928 Harrison Street, Hollywood, FL 33020. Our brick-and-mortar store is a cozy haven for cigar enthusiasts. If you prefer online shopping, we extend our shipping services to all 50 states, ensuring you can enjoy our premium cigars regardless of location. If you have any inquiries or concerns about shopping in online cigar stores, please contact us at 954-364-7660. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we are here to assist you every step of the way. Discover Your Love for Cigars at Cuenca Cigars!

Cuenca Cigars is here to help you discover (or rediscover) your love for cigars. Visit us in-store and purchase our unique and wide selection of favorite Cuenca Cigars. Explore us now and find the perfect handmade cigar.

Our Philosophy

At Cuenca Cigars, we believe that every cigar tells a personal story. From the moment it's crafted to the instant it's enjoyed, each cigar embodies its creators' artistry, dedication, and expertise. We take pride in our brand's brand story and story, offering an extensive selection of premium cigars, sourced from renowned manufacturers and boutique producers alike. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a curious newcomer, we're dedicated to helping you discover the perfect cigar to complement your taste and elevate your experience.

Our Commitment

Quality is at the core of everything we do. From hand-selecting our inventory to meticulously maintaining our climate-controlled humidor, we ensure that every cigar we offer meets the highest standards of excellence. But our commitment extends beyond our products; for us page, it's about cultivating relationships with new customers, fostering connections with our potential customers and future customers, building trust, and creating lasting memories. Whether you're visiting us in person or exploring our online store, you'll find a welcoming atmosphere, expert guidance, and a passion about us and for cigars that's truly infectious.

Join Us

At Cuenca Cigars, we're more about us than just a cigar shop – we're a destination for connoisseurs, a haven for enthusiasts, and a home for anyone who shares brand values, personal touch, brand, core brand, core brand values themselves, and our love for the finer things in life. So come, explore our collection, savor the moment, and experience the unparalleled pleasure of a great cigar, handcrafted with care and enjoyed with gusto.

Thank you for choosing Cuenca Cigars. We look forward to sharing our passion with you.

Shop Our Cigars

 Here are some Page Examples you should visit today!

Our "Single Cigars Page" mirrors our store, showcasing the full range available at our Brick and Mortar location. Delve into our diverse selection to discover your next favorite. Plus, orders over $100 qualify for free shipping and are tax-free if shipped outside Florida.

Our "Browse Cigars" page organizes all our available cigars by category. To go directly to a cigar, click on the letter with which the brand name begins. The Brands are separated into categories.

Explore more page examples like the Category, such as the AJF New World Cameroon. Click to discover everything tailored to this cigar blend. Our target audience for this scenario comprises avid fans of AJ Fernandez Cigars and have a particular affinity for Cameroon Wrappers. You will then be directed to the different sizes available in that blend. Voila! Choose your favorite one!

Our core values are embedded in the "Cigars By Brand" page, consolidating all categories under a single brand umbrella. For example, Arturo Fuente Cigars offers a diverse range, from Regular Lines to Limited Editions and exclusive finds, creating a comprehensive listing for all enthusiasts.

Visit our "Best Cigar Samplers" page to explore an extensive selection encompassing various brands and categories. It is the ideal starting point for finding the perfect cigar gift for a friend.

When unsure what you're looking for, head to our Search Engine Land. Simply input the Cigar Name, Brand Name, or cigar size, and see what the search engine finds!

Our website page design aims to offer user-friendly and intuitive navigation. Our website visitors will have the chance to explore and discover content they genuinely enjoy.

Cuenca Cigars is a proud member of the small business community. We provide a people-centric service that sets us apart from other websites. Experience the unique difference when you choose to shop with us.




1994, Guantanamo Bay Cuba. Ana with some friends.


2011 With Mayor of Hollywood Peter Bobber. Altadis Key Company Representatives.


2011 Montecristo Members Lounge Grand Openning


2016 With Carlitos Fuente at Miguelitos Birthday Party


Dancing in one of our first events