Arturo Fuente Fuente Opus X
Arturo Fuente Fuente Opus X Cigars for Sale
The Arturo Fuente Opus X is a highly sought-after cigar among cigar aficionados, known for its exquisite taste, rich, and impeccable construction. As such, it is not surprising that the Fuente Opus X comes with a hefty price tag. This cigar is often described as the pinnacle of cigar perfection, celebrated for its exquisite flavor and craftsmanship.
The exact cost of a Fuente Opus X varies based on several factors, such as the size of the cigar, the packaging, the rarity and limited availability best cigars, and the location of purchase. On average, a single Fuente Opus X cigar can cost anywhere from $25 to $50, with some larger sizes or limited editions reaching upwards of $100.
It is important to note that the Fuente Opus X is not just priced for its brand name or hype but for its quality and rarity. The Opus X is one of the few cigars that is entirely made of Dominican tobacco, including wrappers, binders, and fillers. This makes it the first ever Dominican puro. Furthermore, the glorious wrapper tobacco cultivated for Opus X is grown in the mineral-rich soils of the Dominican Republic, which contributes to its unique flavor profile and consistency.
The glorious wrapper tobacco of the Opus X, combined with its sweet lingering fullness, adds to the cigar’s exceptional reputation.
The Fuente Opus X is also well regarded as a limited-production cigar, with only a few select tobacconists receiving allocations each year. This exclusivity, along with its exceptional taste and quality, makes the Fuente Opus X a cherished item among cigar enthusiasts. The flawless construction of these cigars, using the finest Fuente tobaccos, is a hallmark of the Opus X line.
The Fuente family, including Fuente Jr, has dedicated a century of mastery and tradition to creating these exceptional cigars.
In conclusion, while the cost of a Fuente Opus X cigar may seem steep to some, it is a reflection of the cigar’s exceptional quality, rarity, and exclusivity. For those who appreciate the finer things in life, a Fuente Opus X is worth the investment.
How much is a Fuente Opus X cigar?
Fuente Opus X Cigars command a high price tag due to their limited production and exclusivity. Typically crafted by just one or two skilled cigar rollers, these cigars undergo meticulous quality control to ensure perfection. The daily output varies across different Opus X cigars; for instance, the BBMF Perfecto, known for its intricate rolling process, likely has a lower daily production quantity.
Are Opus X cigars rare?
The exclusivity of these cigars lies in their tobacco sourcing. Carlos Fuente, Jr exclusively selects tobacco from Chateau de la Fuente in the Dominican Republic. Following a meticulous aging and selection process, only the finest Opus X wrappers are chosen. Due to the natural variability of tobacco crops influenced by yearly weather conditions, the wrappers used in this year's handmade OpusX Cigars likely originate from a decade ago.
Why are Opus X cigars so expensive?
These cigars command a high price due to their rarity and meticulous handmade craftsmanship. Utilizing the exclusive Opus X wrapper tobacco grown solely at the Chateau de la Fuente, their scarcity adds to their allure. If you chance upon them, seize the opportunity as they may not cross your path again for quite some time.
What makes Opus X special?
The OpusX wrapper tobacco is exclusive to Chateau de la Fuente in the Dominican Republic. The filler tobaccos undergo extensive aging, maturing for a minimum of 10 years before crafting the cigars. These cigars boast an oily texture and delightful taste and exhibit exquisitely delicate flavors and aromas.
A FAQ Page Fuente Fuente Opus X Cigars
The Fuente Opus X is a highly sought-after cigar among tobacco aficionados, known for its exquisite taste, rich, and impeccable construction. As such, it is not surprising that the Fuente Opus X comes with a hefty price tag.
The exact cost of a Fuente Opus X varies based on several factors, such as the size of the cigar, the packaging, the rarity and limited availability best cigars, and the location of purchase. On average, a single Fuente Opus X cigar can cost anywhere from $25 to $50, with some larger sizes or limited editions reaching upwards of $100.
It is important to note that the Fuente Opus X is not just priced for its brand name or hype but for its quality and rarity. The Opus X is one of the few cigars that is entirely made of Dominican tobacco, including wrappers, binders, and fillers. Furthermore, the tobacco used for Opus X is cultivated in a special microclimate in the Dominican Republic, which contributes to its unique flavor profile and consistency.
The Fuente Opus X is also well regarded as a limited-production cigar, with only a few select tobacconists receiving allocations each year. This exclusivity, along with its exceptional taste and quality, makes the Fuente Opus X a cherished item among cigar enthusiasts.
In conclusion, while the cost of a Fuente Opus X cigar may seem steep to some, it is a reflection of the cigar's exceptional quality, rarity, and exclusivity. For those who appreciate the finer things in life, a Fuente Opus X is worth the investment.
Opus X BBMF is a high-end cigar produced by the premium cigar brand, the Arturo Fuente opus name. The name "BBMF" stands for "Big Bad Mother F*#@er," which is a nod to the cigar's larger-than-life size and reputation. Carlos Carlito Fuente Jr. is nicknamed "The Toy Maker" and he enjoys challenging and changing outdated beliefs and prejudices in a respectful way.
The Opus X line of cigars is widely regarded as one of the world the very best cigars amoung cigar connoisseurs, and the most sought-after in the world. They are made with a unique blend of Dominican tobacco that is grown exclusively for Arturo Fuente and are known for their rich, complex flavor profile and full body.
The Arturo Fuente Opus X BBMF variant of the Opus X line is particularly special, as it is one of the largest cigars available on the market. It measures at an impressive 6 3/4 inches by 64 ring gauge, which is larger than most standard cigars. The BBMF is also known for its smooth, impeccable construction, with a thick, oily wrapper and smooth, perfectly packed filler.
Despite its bold and intimidating name and size, a nod to Cigar Perfection, the Opus X BBMF is a cigar that is meant to be savored and enjoyed slowly. It is a testament to the skill and exquisite craftsmanship of the artisans at Arturo Fuente and a true masterpiece in the world of premium cigars.
One detail that people often overlook is that these finest cigars are intended for charity. A significant portion of the proceeds from these cigars is donated to the Cigar Family Charitable Foundation. The foundation helps children from El Cibao in fulfilling their aspirations with the assistance of the Fuente and Newman families. El Cibao is located in the Dominican Republic, which is where the Chateau de la Fuente is situated.
The Fuente Fuente OpusX Double Robusto finest cigar was recently recognized as the top-rated Opus X cigar. Earning a 97 rating and a spot in Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 Cigars of the Year list on January 1, 2021. Similarly, the Fuente Fuente OpusX Belicoso XXX received a 96 rating and was also featured in Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 list on January 1, 2005. Just to name a few.