Foundation Cigars
Buy Foundation Cigars Online
Are you looking for an exquisite smoking experience from an online cigar store? Look no further than Foundation Cigars Collection at Cuenca Cigars in Hollywood, FL, known for their best selling cigars that are highly acclaimed and meticulously crafted. Discover amazing cigar deals that make these premium cigars even more accessible. One of their standout products is the Foundation El Gueguense, available in a price range that suits various budgets. With a wide selection of premium cigars, there is something here for any cigar enthusiast! Shop our collection today and let the rich aroma of Cuban seed tobacco captivate your senses.
Nicholas Melillo, the world renowned cigar guru who formerly held the posts of Director of Tobaccos and Vice President of International Operations at Drew Estate, left in 2014 to join forces with Aganorsa’s Fernandez family. The meticulous process involved in creating Foundation Cigars includes detailed and careful blending, hand-rolling handmade cigars, and inspecting tobacco to ensure exceptional quality and flavor. The cigar craftsmanship is evident in every product. This alliance gave birth to Foundation Cigars - a paradise for the cigar aficionado! You’ll find an extensive range here, showcasing flavors such as oak, earthy notes, creaminess cocoa-espresso combos, walnuts, and caramel that will tantalize your taste buds. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned smoker, this medium-full-bodied line contains something for everyone!
Our store has an extensive selection of Foundation Cigars and encourages cigar enthusiasts to try them all! Cigar flavors range from deep earth and subtle sweetness to rich cacao and dark espresso. Here are a few examples of the fantastic offerings that await:
Charter Oak Connecticut Broadleaf delves into Connecticut’s rich tobacco legacy. It’s a heartfelt nod to Melillo’s grandfather, who relished Connecticut Broadleaf cigars at the Winchester Repeating Arms factory following WWII. With a Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper, a Habano Nicaraguan binder, and all Nicaraguan filler, this cigar offers a tantalizing blend. Expect notes of deep earth and subtle sweetness, promising a medium to full-bodied smoking journey.
Foundation El Gueguense honors the vibrant tapestry of Nicaraguan culture and history, offering a range of cigars tailored for aficionados. This collection is celebrated for its nuanced flavor profiles and profound complexity, bringing joy to connoisseurs with its rich depth.
Charter Oak in Connecticut has a deep tie to American independence. Native Americans once grew tobacco and gathered for councils under its branches. Today, Charter Oak Cigar, hailing from the same Connecticut River valley, pays tribute to this storied past. This cigar features a Connecticut Shade wrapper, a Sumatran binder, and Nicaraguan fillers, promising a smoking experience that’s mild to medium-bodied.
Foundation Cigars The Wise Man Corojo and Wise Man Maduro cigars weave a tale from Ethiopian folklore, spinning the yarn of Queen of Sheba’s fabled encounter with King Solomon in Jerusalem. Their legacy lives on in Menelik, the Wise Man, shaping the essence of this exceptional cigar line. Tradition and innovation dance harmoniously in this masterpiece, a tribute to our unyielding commitment to the art of cigar-making. Meticulously crafted, each puff tells the story of Foundation Cigar Company’s relentless pursuit of perfection. With two stellar wrappers: the Nicaraguan Corojo for a sweet yet refined journey, and the San Andres Mexican for a sophisticated and opulent smoking experience. ?? #cigars #craftsmanship
Crafted in Esteli, Nicaragua, the Highclere Castle Edwardian cigar is meticulously hand-rolled. It boasts a Connecticut Shade wrapper and a Mata Fina binder sourced from Brazil, featuring a rich dark tobacco. The blend culminates in a unique hybrid seed called Nicadan, incorporating Criollo and Corojo fillers from the fertile volcanic lands of Jalapa and the enchanting island of Ometepe. This cigar uses the finest tobacco to ensure an exceptional smoking experience.
Highclere Castle’s venture into crafting a cigar reminiscent of those enjoyed at the castle in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The Highclere Castle Victorian is meticulously hand-rolled in Esteli, Nicaragua, featuring a premium upper priming Habano Ecuador wrapper, enhanced by Criollo and Corojo from Esteli, Jalapa, and the island of Ometepe.
The Tabernacle Foundation Connecticut Broadleaf cigar draws its name from a rich history. Its box showcases Haile Selassie, the 225th King of Abyssinia, now known as Ethiopia, whose lineage can be traced back to King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. This premium cigar boasts one of the most coveted wrapper leaves globally. Aged patiently, it features a San Andrés binder and fillers sourced from Esteli in Nicaragua and the Jamastran Valley in Honduras. Experience everything you desire in a top-tier cigar with The Tabernacle Broadleaf Maduro.
The premium Olmec cigars from the heartland of the Olmecs in Mexico, with their San Andrés Negro wrapper tobacco, showcases a rich history and top-tier craftsmanship. The blend of Nicaraguan filler tobaccos from Esteli and Jalapa, aged for three years, complements the slow-fermented wrapper’s natural oils, resulting in a full-bodied smoking experience. Notes of cacao, dark espresso, and spices harmonize, creating a tantalizing sensory journey for cigar enthusiasts.
Delve into the captivating history of Upsetters Foundation Cigars in Jamaica, honoring the underdog and anti-hero spirit that defies the odds. Inspired by the rebellious nature of 1960s rude boys and icons like Django, The Upsetters are pioneers of reggae music. Their cigar line is a blend of global tobacco varieties, reflecting Nick’s passion for Jamaica. With Jamaican Cow Tongue tobacco, grown for centuries in the native Arawak hills, the line features wrappers in CT Broadleaf, CT Shade, Sumatra, and Candela, each boasting unique flavor profiles and aromas.
And many more…
Become part of a distinguished group of cigar aficionados by adding exclusive limited edition cigars from Foundation Cigars Co. and Foundation Cigar Company to your collection! Limited edition cigars are also available for those seeking something truly special. Foundation Cigars blend old world traditions with contemporary styles to create distinctive premium cigars. Acquire some today and experience the full flavor and superior craftsmanship that makes these cigars so sought-after. Foundation Cigars Company collaborates with some of the finest tobacco growers worldwide to source high-quality tobacco for their premium cigars.
Don’t miss the chance to indulge in one-of-a-kind Limited Editions from Foundation Cigar Co! They are released in extremely limited quantities and will disappear quickly, so subscribe to Notify Me for each. Among their offerings is El Güegüense - 5yr Aniversario Collector’s Chest, Menelik, Highclere Castle Senetjer, and The Tabernacle Havana Seed David & Goliath. Savour a truly exceptional cigar with these exclusive Limited Editions today!
About Foundation Cigar Company
With a 20-year love for the cigar industry, Foundation Cigar Company brings traditional styles with contemporary styles to create premium quality cigars. The rich cigar history of the company is evident in every product they craft. We aim to collaborate with carefully sourced tobacconists with passion and dedication. The tobacco sector has developed close ties with the world’s finest tobacco growers as well as established its own manufacturing site in the Esteli Valley in Nicaragua.