Tatascan by JRE Tobacco
Tatascan Cigar by JRE Tobacco
JRE Tobacco Company has three brands of cigars, including the TATASCAN Cigar. Julio R. Eiroa and his son Justo Eiroa, part of the Arroyo family that created worldwide known Camacho Cigars, own the Tatascan cigar started which is made in Connecticut, Habano, and the Inexpensive Yellow Series brands. Tatascan translates into “Head Boss” and is a reasonable and value-priced everyday choice cigar made. The tobacco in these three blends is solely from the Julio Eiroa family’s farm in the Jamastran Valley of Honduras. They grow all the premium tobaccos they use on all of their blends! Amazing, no? The Tatascan cigar also features a sweet tip, adding a touch of pleasant sweetness to the smoking experience without being overpowering.
Once you try it yourself, you’ll notice its smoothness with a mild taste but a lively mix of flavors that can satisfy any cigar fan. As you smoke it, you’ll notice pleasant spice flavor notes developing in the first, second half, and second thirds without being too overwhelming. The symbolic hat-in-the-box design gives you very good points and a clear view of the quality of smoke you will enjoy!
This cigar has two dominant flavors - a smooth and earthy taste. The two notes of the cigar, first flavor has a woody, oaky taste and sweetness, while the second third of the two notes the second has a nutty taste. These flavors complement each other well and the flavors are consistent throughout the second and third draws without an overpowering sweet tip. However, the cigar could benefit from a stronger bite.
The JRE Tobacco brand, produced by Julio Eiroa and his son’s premium cigar company at their Las Lomas factory in Honduras, is a lesser-known brand that deserves more attention. Julio Eiroa is the father and business partner of Christian Eiroa, known among cigar enthusiasts for his past work with brands such as Camacho Cigar and his own brand and current work with CLE Cigar.
The coffee flavor has a slight sweetness, but it seems coffee that the smoker could use a bit more. However, good points are; the burn and ash on these bargain sticks are impressive, even their own brand of extremely inexpensive Tatascan Yellow Series. Whenever they produce ash that is half an inch or longer, it’s a good sign.
They have a consistent burn, and the wrapper is light to medium brown. Although it isn’t unique, the JRE Tobacco Company recently redesigned the cigar packaging and added a more attractive band. This particular cigar is of Honduran origin. The Tatascan cigars also feature a sweet tip, adding a touch of sweetness to the smoking experience without being overpowering.
The cigar is mild and smooth with a pleasant, slightly sweet taste with hints of spices, vanilla, coffee or almond. It is easy and enjoyable to smoke, and an excellent cigar pair well with coffee or a cup of coffee, with cream, particularly with cream and a little sweetener.
This cigar is a great option for both new and experienced cigar smokers. It starts off light and mild, making smoking easy and enjoyable. The flavors remain consistent throughout, light and mild even in the final third.
The excellent cigar here has maintained the same mildly pleasant level of sweetness and mild spiciness throughout, and it doesn’t become too strong in the final second half or third. Although it doesn’t stand out in any particular aspect, it’s still a good cigar, especially considering its affordable price.