Sencillo Cigars
The Ultimate Sencillo Cigars Selection for Aficionados
There’s an inexplicable charm to the world of cigars, a timeless allure that transcends trends. A cigar is not merely a product; it’s an experience, a silent storyteller whispering tales of its birthplace, cultivation, and craftsmanship. Now, imagine a brand that embodies this essence in its purest form—welcome to the world of Sencillo cigars. A nod to simplicity and purity, Sencillo is a testament to the beauty of high-quality tobacco flavors, steering clear of unnecessary complexity and hype.
For the discerning aficionado, the allure of Sencillo cigars extends beyond their straightforwardness. The brand’s commitment to quality is exemplified in the meticulous attention to the soil’s particular attributes where the tobacco is cultivated. This attention to detail shapes the distinctive flavor and overall excellence of the cigars, making Sencillo not just a choice, but an experience.
Sencillo Cigars are the brainchild of Prometheus and God of Fire Cigars. These handcrafted masterpieces hail from Honduras and are available in a variety of ranges including premium, limited edition, and regular. The unique taste and distinctive aroma of Sencillo Cigars have garnered them a loyal fanbase and numerous accolades. Sencillo Cigars are offered in a variety of shapes, sizes, and wrappers, ensuring there's something for every cigar enthusiast to enjoy during their downtime. The most popular brands are Sencillo Black and Sencillo Platinum. You can place an order for your preferred cigar here and savor their unique blends at a very attractive price.
Connoisseur's Collection
As an aficionado, your palate seeks variety and complexity, a journey of flavors that engages and captivates. Sencillo brand offers a curated collection of cigars, each with a unique flavor profile, tailored to cater to diverse tastes and preferences. Just as wine enthusiasts savor the nuances imparted by the grape-growing regions, cigar connoisseurs appreciate the ‘terroir’ of their cigars. The intricate relationship between the soil and the tobacco gives Sencillo cigars their unique character, making each puff a truly extraordinary experience.
The Connoisseur’s Collection is a handpicked selection of Sencillo cigars, each best in its field. So, whether you’re seeking a full-bodied flavor, a complex blend, a refined palate, a short smoke session, or a perfect coffee pairing, this collection has you covered. Here’s a quick rundown:
Best for the Full-Bodied Flavor Seeker: Sencillo Platinum Robusto
For Complexity Lovers: Sencillo Platinum Gran Toro 56
For the Refined Palate: Sencillo Platinum Piramide
For the Adventurous Aficionado: Sencillo Platinum Double Robusto
The collection also includes:
Sencillo Black Piramide No.5, perfect for the Day-to-Day Enthusiast
Sencillo Black Piramide No.4, best for the Dark Roast Coffee Pairing
Sencillo Black Limited Release Lancero, for the Cultured Smoker
Sencillo Platinum Short Churchill, ideal for the Short Smoke Session.
Best for the Full-Bodied Flavor Seeker: Sencillo Platinum Robusto
Wrapper: Habano de Jamastran
Binder: Habano de Jamastran
Filler: Habano de Jamastran, Piloto Cubano
Full-bodied flavor
Perfect balance of spice and sweetness
Exceptional construction
Might be too robust for beginners
If a full-bodied flavor profile is what you’re after, the Sencillo Platinum Robusto should be your first choice. This cigar offers a harmonious blend of robust spice notes, subtly balanced by a sweetness that does not overpower the palate. The unique, distinctive flavor owes its existence to the careful crafting process, which involves the use of Habano de Jamastran tobacco for the wrapper, filler, and binder, supplemented by Piloto Cubano tobacco in the filler. This robust blend offers a well-defined flavor that is both gratifying and uniquely satisfying.
The Sencillo Platinum Robusto, crafted by the highly respected Keith Park and Christian Eiroa, known for their contributions to Camacho cigars, stands as a testament to their expert craftsmanship. The cigar showcases an oily wrapper and is esteemed for its impeccable construction. It exudes a distinct lineage and excellence in its composition, thanks to the Sencillo Platinum blend. The Sencillo Platinum Robusto has received favorable reviews and ratings, particularly for its exceptional construction, smoothness, and perceived value relative to its price.
Construction: 5/5
Flavor: 4.5/5
Value: 4/5
Best for Complexity Lovers: Sencillo Platinum Gran Toro 56
Wrapper: Habano de Jamastran
Binder: Habano de Jamastran
Filler: Habano de Jamastran, Piloto Cubano
Intricate and multifaceted flavor profile
Unique blend of spices and cocoa
Excellent for long, satisfying smoking sessions
May be too complex for beginners
The Sencillo Platinum Gran Toro 56 is a perfect companion for aficionados seeking a deeply layered smoking experience. This cigar is renowned for its intricate and multifaceted flavor profile, offering a captivating experience with each draw. The inclusion of the Honduras Ligero Habano Jalapa tobacco in its blend contributes to its unique taste, taking your palate on a journey of flavors.
The Sencillo Platinum Gran Toro 56 delivers an orchestra of flavors, including:
Notes of nutmeg
Other spices
These flavors enhance its complexity and delight the palate. To add to its richness, it features a distinct bittersweet flavor of cocoa powder, contributing to the depth of its taste. The tobaccos blend flawlessly to create a harmonious and enjoyable flavor profile. This extraordinary cigar offers a memorable smoking experience for aficionados, encapsulating the Sencillo theme of simplicity and purity in a well-balanced and satisfying taste.
Construction: 4.5/5
Flavor: 5/5
Value: 4/5
Best for the Refined Palate: Sencillo Platinum Piramide
Wrapper: Habano de Jamastran
Binder: Habano de Jamastran
Filler: Habano de Jamastran, Piloto Cubano
Complex and robust flavor profile
Refined, leathery taste
Excellent draw and well-balanced flavors
Might be too strong for beginners
The Sencillo Platinum Piramide is a cigar crafted for individuals with a discerning palate. It features a complex and robust flavor profile, with striking notes of allspice and cinnamon. Adding to its appeal is a subtle sweetness that enhances the predominant spiciness, along with a refined, leathery taste indicative of thorough fermentation and aging. This slightly sweet undertone tames the spiciness, creating a balanced and enjoyable experience that’s both indulgent and satisfying. Sencillo Platinum cigars exude these qualities, making them a top choice for cigar enthusiasts.
Cigar enthusiasts have warmly received the Sencillo Platinum Piramide, thanks to its affordable price, excellent draw, and well-balanced flavors, earning it popularity among aficionados. The bountiful flavor lingers on the palate, providing a satisfying and memorable smoking experience. Measuring 54 X 6 1/8 inches (21 mm X 155 mm), the Sencillo Platinum Piramide offers a substantial and gratifying smoking experience that is sure to impress.
Construction: 4.5/5
Flavor: 5/5
Value: 4.5/5
Best for the Adventurous Aficionado: Sencillo Platinum Double Robusto
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan, Dominican
Rich and complex flavor profile
High-quality construction
Beautiful Ecuadorian Habano wrapper
May be too strong for beginners
The Sencillo Platinum Double Robusto is the go-to choice for the adventurous aficionado. This premium cigar offers a rich and complex smoking experience, beckoning you to explore its myriad flavor notes. Handcrafted in Nicaragua, this cigar features a blend of aged Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos, carefully selected for their exceptional quality and flavor. The wrapper is a beautiful Ecuadorian Habano leaf, which adds a touch of spice and earthiness to the overall profile.
Boasting a medium to full-bodied strength, the Sencillo Platinum Double Robusto offers a satisfying smoke with the following flavors, while the Sencillo Black Robusto provides a different experience:
A dash of sweetness
Whether you’re an experienced cigar aficionado or a novice eager to explore new flavors, this cigar is guaranteed to leave an impression. It’s the perfect companion for your adventurous pursuits, adding a touch of sophistication to your smoking experience.
Construction: 4.5/5
Flavor: 5/5
Value: 4.5/5
Best for the Day-to-Day Enthusiast: Sencillo Black Piramide No.5
Wrapper: Habano Colorado
Binder: Habano Jalapa
Filler: Viso San Andreas, Ligero Habano Jalapa, Ligero Habano Jamastran
Consistent yet complex flavor profile
Ideal for daily enjoyment
Affordable price range
May be too robust for beginners
The Sencillo Black Piramide No.5 is an excellent choice for those who smoke daily. This cigar offers a consistent yet complex flavor profile, making it ideal for regular enjoyment. It features a Habano Colorado wrapper, a Habano Jalapa binder, and a filler mix of Viso San Andreas, Ligero Habano Jalapa, and Ligero Habano Jamastran crops, which together create a rich, spicy flavor with notes of allspice and cinnamon.
The Sencillo Black Piramide No.5 is distinguished by its unique piramide shape and a flavor profile that skillfully blends notes of cedar, leather, spice, and a subtle sweetness. Whether you seek a daily smoke or an occasional indulgence, this cigar provides a satisfying, well-balanced experience, making each puff pleasurable.
Construction: 4/5
Flavor: 4.5/5
Value: 5/5
Best for the Dark Roast Coffee Pairing: Sencillo Black Piramide No.4
Wrapper: Habano Colorado
Binder: Habano Jalapa
Filler: Honduras, Mexico and Nicaragua
Rich, spicy flavor
Excellent pairing with dark roast coffee or espresso
Long-lasting flavor
May be too robust for beginners
The Sencillo Black Piramide No.4 is a cigar that pairs exquisitely with a cup of rich coffee or espresso. This cigar offers a distinct flavor profile that includes dark, peppery, and slightly meaty notes, complemented by hints of coffee, cedar, and a creamy finish. The dark, rich, and bold taste of a dark roast coffee, with its bitter, smoky, or burnt elements, pairs harmoniously with this cigar, creating a balanced and enjoyable pairing.
Trying out different dark roast coffee bean varieties, such as Bullit Custom Dark and Lifeboost Dark Roast, can amplify the robust flavor profile of this cigar. Whether you’re kickstarting your day with a cup of coffee and a smoke or unwinding in the evening, the Sencillo Black Piramide No.4 delivers a sensory delight with its satisfying experience.
Construction: 4.5/5
Flavor: 5/5
Value: 4/5
Best for the Cultured Smoker: Sencillo Black Limited Release Lancero
Wrapper: Nicaraguan
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Bold and rustic taste
Medium-full strength
Great burn performance
May be too strong for beginners
For the cultured smoker, the Sencillo Black Limited Release Lancero is a perfect match. This cigar offers:
A bold and rustic taste
A Colorado red wrapper shade
Flavors of dried red pepper spice, earthy dirt grit, and naturally sweet and creamy mixed nuts
Medium-full strength
Great burn performance
This truly extraordinary cigar delivers a superior smoking experience that’s both sophisticated and enjoyable.
The Sencillo Black Limited Release Lancero showcases a multifaceted flavor profile, encompassing:
Dark earth
Cocoa powder
Stone fruit sweetness
Dark chocolate notes
Whether you’re an experienced cigar aficionado or a novice eager to explore new flavors, this cigar is guaranteed to leave an impression. It’s the perfect companion for your cultured pursuits, adding a touch of sophistication to your smoking experience.
Construction: 4.5/5
Flavor: 5/5
Value: 4.5/5
Best for the Short Smoke Session: Sencillo Platinum Short Churchill
Wrapper: Habano de Jamastran
Binder: Habano de Jamastran
Filler: Habano de Jamastran, Piloto Cubano
Rich, spicy flavor
Perfect for a shorter smoke session
Affordable price range
May be too robust for beginners
The Sencillo Platinum Short Churchill is an ideal choice for those seeking a shorter smoke session. This cigar offers a rich and spicy flavor that lingers on your tongue, offering a satisfying experience even in a shorter time frame. Sencillo Platinum blend is handcrafted in Danli, Honduras. It uses Jamastran Habano tobacco for the wrapper, binder, and filler. Piloto Cubano tobacco is added to the filler to enhance the flavor profile..
Whether you’re on a short break or simply looking for a quick indulgence, this cigar is an excellent choice. It provides a well-defined flavor that is both gratifying and uniquely satisfying. The tobacco has a medium-to-full body. Its taste is carefully refined and leathery, a result of careful fermentation and aging..
Construction: 4.5/5
Flavor: 5/5
Value: 4.5/5
Decoding the Details
Sencillo cigars offer more than just smoke; they represent a journey of flavors and showcase the skill and craftsmanship involved in their creation. To truly appreciate a Sencillo cigar, it’s essential to understand the details that contribute to its unique characteristics and flavor profile. Every feature, from the cultivation of the tobacco to the final size and shape of the cigar, plays a key role in shaping the final product. Some of the key features of Sencillo cigars include:
Carefully selected tobacco leaves from the finest tobacco-growing regions
Hand-rolled construction by skilled artisans
Aging process to enhance the flavors and aromas
Variety of sizes and shapes to suit different preferences
By paying attention to these details, you can fully enjoy the rich and complex experience that Sencillo cigars offer.
The country of origin also significantly influences a cigar’s taste. The soil, climate, and tobacco-growing traditions of a region can impart distinct flavor profiles to the tobacco. Sencillo Platinum cigars are made entirely from Cuban seed tobaccos grown in Honduras, whereas Sencillo Black cigars are crafted using tobacco from Esteli, Nicaragua. These regional variations add to the uniqueness of each cigar, providing a diverse range of flavors for the discerning palate.
The taste of a cigar is also significantly shaped by the type of tobacco used in the wrapper, binder, and filler. The Sencillo Platinum cigars are crafted using Habano de Jamastran tobacco, while Sencillo Black cigars incorporate a blend of five different tobaccos. This combination of different tobaccos contributes to the consistent yet complex flavor that Sencillo cigars are renowned for, offering a smoking experience that is both memorable and enjoyable.
Matching Cigars to Your Taste
The art of matching cigars to your personal taste preferences enhances your smoking experience. Finding your perfect cigar involves understanding your flavor preferences and recognizing how various aspects of a cigar influence its taste. Whether it’s the size of the cigar, the type of tobacco used, or even the country of origin, each factor contributes to the final flavor profile of the cigar.
For instance, Sencillo cigars come in a variety of sizes and shapes, each offering a unique flavor experience. The type of tobacco used in the wrapper, binder, and filler also plays a significant role in shaping the taste of the cigar. Different types of tobacco can affect the:
The tobaccos blend perfectly within the cigar, adding to its overall flavor profile.
When it comes to flavor profiles, cigars exhibit a range of flavors, including:
Natural or earthy notes
To customize your cigar selection to your personal taste, it’s advisable to sample different varieties and evaluate their flavors and characteristics.
Complementing cigars with beverages like bourbon, cognac, or dark rum can further elevate your overall enjoyment.
Invest in Your Pleasure
Investing in cigars isn’t just about finances; it’s about investing in pleasure, sophisticated experiences, and refinement. High-quality cigars, such as Sencillo, offer significant advantages, like superior craftsmanship, expertise, and tradition, contributing to an unparalleled smoking experience. While these cigars might be more expensive, the superior experience they provide makes the investment worthwhile.
Enthusiasts can purchase Sencillo cigars from reputable online sources, such as the Corona Cigar Co. and the official Sencillo Cigars website. This offers them a convenient means to acquire and savor these premium cigars, making every puff a worthwhile investment in pleasure. Whether you’re an experienced aficionado or a newcomer, investing in Sencillo cigars promises a remarkable journey of flavors and an extraordinary cigar experience.
Sencillo cigars offer a unique smoking experience, combining quality, consistency, and a variety of flavors to cater to different tastes and preferences. From the full-bodied flavor of the Sencillo Platinum Robusto to the complex Sencillo Platinum Gran Toro 56, the refined Sencillo Platinum Piramide, the adventurous Sencillo Platinum Double Robusto, the everyday Sencillo Black Piramide No.5, the coffee-pairing Sencillo Black Piramide No.4, the cultured Sencillo Black Limited Release Lancero, and the short session Sencillo Platinum Short Churchill - each offers a distinctive experience to the smoker.
Ultimately, the magic of Sencillo cigars lies in their simplicity and purity, the careful selection of tobaccos, and the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into each cigar. Whether you’re embarking on your cigar journey or are a seasoned aficionado, Sencillo cigars offer a range of experiences that are sure to delight your palate and elevate your smoking sessions.