Unlocking the Secrets of My Father Cigars | 2023 PCA Trade Show
Posted by Ana Cuenca on Jul 23, 2023
As the smoke clears from the exciting 2023 PCA Trade Show, the rich history and passion behind My Father Cigars have never been more apparent. From the legacy of Don Pepn Garca to the new releases in the Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial line, the Garcia family’s dedication to quality and their impact on the cigar world continues to impress aficionados and critics alike. Let’s explore the intricate craftsmanship, unique offerings, and flavorful experiences that make My Father Cigars a brand worth lighting up.
Short Summary
- Celebrate Don Pepín García’s legacy with the 20th Anniversary Limited Edition Toro.
- Try three new sizes of Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial at the 2023 PCA Trade Show.
- My Father Cigars offers top rated cigars, premium samplers and an unforgettable smoking experience crafted by generations of knowledge.
The Legacy of Don Pepín García Releasing the 20th Anniversary Limited Edition Toro
Don Pepin Garcia, a true icon in the cigar world, has crafted some of the most sought-after cigars, like the My Father Le Bijou and La Aroma de Cuba lines for Ashton Cigars. As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Don Pepin Garcia brand, the highly anticipated 20th Anniversary Limited Edition Toro takes center stage, honoring Don Pepin’s profound influence on the cigar industry. This exquisite cigar features a full-bodied flavor with an Ecuador Habano wrapper from Nicaragua, offering a rich and aromatic experience. Constructed with pelo de oro in the filler, the 20th Anniversary Limited Edition Toro showcases the pinnacle of Don Pepin Garcia’s expertise and dedication to quality.
While the final price of this limited edition masterpiece has not been confirmed, cigar aficionados can expect to pay around $40 for a taste of this exceptional creation. The 20th Anniversary Limited Edition Toro is not just a cigar; it’s a testament to the enduring legacy of Don Pepin Garcia and his impact on the world of cigars.
As we savor the impeccable construction and rich flavor of the 20th Anniversary Limited Edition Toro, we are reminded of the dedication, passion, and skill that Don Pepin Garcia has brought to the cigar world. It is a fitting tribute to a man who has given so much to the industry and has inspired countless cigar lovers to seek out the finest smokes available.
In the world of cigars, the 20th Anniversary Limited Edition Toro is more than just a celebratory release; it is a symbol of Don Pepin Garcia’s lasting legacy and a reminder of the great cigars that have been crafted under his guidance. As we light up this limited edition of My Father cigar, we pay homage to the man who has shaped the cigar world with his expertise and passion.
Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial New Releases 2023
At the 2023 PCA Trade Show, My Father Cigars unveiled three new sizes to their Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial line, adding more great cigars to their collection. Each new release brings its own distinct character and flavor, further cementing the Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial line as a must-try for cigar enthusiasts.
Let’s dive into these exciting new offerings: Figurado, Gordo Extra, and Corona Grande.
Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Figurado
The Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Figurado stands out with its unique shape - a tapered head and a rounded foot, making it a conversation starter for any cigar aficionado. Handmade in Estel, Nicaragua, this father cigar features a dark, oily Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and a blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers, showcasing the brand’s dedication to quality and craftsmanship. The Figurado boasts a medium to full-bodied flavor with earth, leather, and spice notes, making it a great choice for fans of full-bodied cigars.
The intricate construction of this cigar is a testament to the special blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers, a dark, oily Broadleaf Maduro wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder, and a special fermentation process used to create it. Aged for at least six months before release, the Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Figurado offers a refined smoking experience with notes of:
- dark chocolate
- earth
- cedar
- black pepper
- espresso
It has a complex, satisfying flavor profile.
This exceptional cigar is a testament to the skill and passion that go into crafting every My Father Cigar, making it a must-try for anyone seeking a truly unique and flavorful smoke.
Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Gordo Extra 7 x 70
For those seeking a long, enjoyable smoke, look no further than the Jaime Garcia Reserve Especial Gordo Extra 7 x 70. This massive cigar is made by Jaime Garcia, son of the legendary Cuban torcedor and cigar master Don “Pepin” Garcia. With a full-bodied flavor and a dark, oily Broadleaf Maduro wrapper paired with a rich blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers, the Gordo Extra is a true testament to the father brand’s commitment to quality and craftsmanship.
Measuring an impressive 7” x 70 ring gauge, the Gordo Extra is perfect for experienced cigar smokers who appreciate a full-bodied, rich flavor. Each cigar comes in a box of 14, showcasing the attention to detail and commitment to excellence that goes into crafting every Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial cigar.
The Jaime Garcia Reserve Especial Gordo Extra 7 x 70 offers a bold and satisfying smoking experience that is not to be missed. Its rich blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers and dark, oily Broadleaf Maduro wrapper make it a perfect choice for those seeking a truly memorable cigar experience.
Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Corona Grande
The Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Corona Grande is a top-notch cigar brand created by Jaime Garcia, the son of Don Pepin Garcia. Handcrafted in Estel, Nicaragua, this elegant father cigar features a dark, oily Broadleaf Maduro wrapper paired with a rich blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers, ensuring a high-quality and flavorful smoke.
This beautifully constructed cigar has earned a 90-point rating, a testament to its exceptional flavor and craftsmanship. The Corona Grande offers a medium to full-bodied smoking experience with notes of earth, leather, and spice, providing a satisfying and well-rounded flavor profile that is sure to please even the most discerning cigar connoisseur.
With its refined flavor and impeccable construction, the Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Corona Grande is a shining example of the Garcia family’s dedication to creating truly outstanding cigars. Whether you’re a seasoned cigar enthusiast or just beginning your journey into the world of fine cigars, the Corona Grande is a must-try for anyone seeking an unforgettable smoking experience.
My Father Multifunctional Cigar Cutter
The My Father Multifunctional Cigar Cutter is not only a testament to the craftsmanship and dedication to quality found in every My Father Cigar, but it also connects to the esteemed brands of La Aroma de Cuba, Tatuaje Cigars, and San Cristobal.
This revolutionary 2-in-1 cutter features an inverted stainless steel blade capable of cutting both small and large cigars, making it an essential tool for cigar lovers and a great gift idea.
The Art of Crafting My Father Cigars
The art of crafting My Father Cigars is rooted in generations of knowledge and skill in tobacco blending and rolling techniques. Handcrafted in a small cigar factory in Nicaragua by the mastermind behind the father brand, Don José “Pepin” Garcia, each cigar showcases the expertise and passion that goes into every step of the creation process.
From selecting the finest tobaccos to the meticulous rolling process, each My Father Cigar is a testament to the Garcia family’s commitment to excellence. Their dedication to quality is evident in every puff, as the rich and complex flavors meld together for a truly unforgettable smoking experience.
The Garcia family’s influence on the art of cigar-making has left an indelible mark on the industry, inspiring countless cigar lovers to seek out the finest smokes available. Whether you’re enjoying a limited edition release or a classic My Father Cigar blend, you can be sure that every cigar is crafted with the same care and attention to detail.
La Aroma de Cuba
La Aroma de Cuba is a storied cigar brand that originated in Cuba and is now expertly crafted by Jose ‘Don Pepin’ Garcia in Nicaragua, featuring a bold blend of Cuban-seed Nicaraguan long-fillers. The brand was first created in Cuba in the early 1900s by the Garcia family and later revived by Don Pepin Garcia in the late 1990s, becoming one of the world’s most renowned cigar makers.
Known for their bold full-bodied flavor, La Aroma de Cuba cigars deliver notes of:
- earth
- leather
- spice
- hint of sweetness
Creating a truly satisfying smoking experience. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or just discovering the world of cigars, La Aroma de Cuba offers a taste of history and tradition that is sure to impress.
The connection between the My Father Cigars cutter and La Aroma de Cuba lies in their shared commitment to quality and craftsmanship. Just as the cutter allows cigar lovers to enjoy their smokes with precision, La Aroma de Cuba cigars provide an unparalleled smoking experience that embodies the passion and dedication of the Garcia family.
Tatuaje Cigars
Tatuaje Cigars, founded in 2003 by Pete Johnson, a former software engineer, and cigar enthusiast, offers a unique smoking experience thanks to their Nicaraguan puros and the expertise of the Garcia family. Johnson was inspired by the Cuban cigars his father smoked and wanted to pay tribute to his father’s legacy by creating a line of cigars.
Tatuaje Cigars are renowned for their:
- Great construction
- Flavor
- Outstanding smoking experience
- Smooth draw
- Well-balanced, rich, and complex flavor profile
With a range of offerings from mild to full-bodied and from traditional to modern, Tatuaje Cigars has something for every palate. They even offer limited edition cigars, like the Tatuaje Reserva, available only for a limited time.
The connection between the My Father Cigars cutter and Tatuaje Cigars is the shared craftsmanship and dedication to quality. Like the La Aroma de Cuba and San Cristobal brands, Tatuaje Cigars are crafted with the same attention to detail and commitment to excellence, ensuring a superior smoking experience for all who enjoy them.
San Cristobal
San Cristobal is a premium cigar brand made by the Garcia family in Nicaragua, headed by cigar-maker Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia. With its roots in Cuban tradition, San Cristobal offers a rich and complex taste that has gained popularity since its inception in 2009. Renowned for their medium to full-bodied flavor, San Cristobal cigars deliver notes of earth, leather, and spice, providing a satisfying and well-rounded smoking experience.
The connection between the My Father Cigars cutter and San Cristobal lies in their shared commitment to quality and craftsmanship, ensuring that every cigar is a true work of art. As you enjoy a San Cristobal cigar, you are experiencing the culmination of the Garcia family’s passion for creating exceptional cigars that embody the rich history and tradition of the art of cigar-making.
Whether you light up a San Cristobal after a long day or share one with friends, you are partaking in a legacy that has been carefully crafted for generations.
The Garcia Family's Impact on the Cigar World
The Garcia family’s impact on the cigar world is truly remarkable, with their cigars being some of the most highly acclaimed and sought-after in the industry. Their dedication to quality and craftsmanship has earned them numerous awards and accolades, including the prestigious Best Cigar of the Year in 2012. From the iconic My Father Cigars brand, created by Jaime Garcia as a tribute to his father Pepin Garcia, to the respected La Aroma de Cuba, Tatuaje Cigars, and San Cristobal brands, the Garcia family’s influence is felt throughout the cigar world.
Their commitment to using the finest materials and techniques ensures that every cigar bearing the Garcia family name is a testament to their passion for excellence. As we continue to enjoy the rich flavors and exceptional craftsmanship of My Father Cigars and the other Garcia family brands, we can appreciate the lasting legacy and dedication to quality that the Garcia family has brought to the cigar world.
Their passion for creating truly outstanding cigars has inspired countless aficionados to seek out the finest smokes available, and their influence will undoubtedly continue to shape the future of the cigar industry, including the development of exceptional cigar lines.
How to Enjoy My Father Cigars
To fully appreciate the flavor and complexity of My Father Cigars, it’s important to know how to properly enjoy them. Pairing your cigar with the right drink can enhance the experience; dark rum, cognac, or bourbon are great choices to bring out the flavors of roasted nuts, cedar, mocha, molasses, and nutmeg in your My Father Cigars, while the peppery retrohale adds an extra special touch.
Lighting a cigar properly is key to a great smoking experience. Here are some steps to follow.
- Use either a butane lighter or a wooden match.
- Hold the flame about an inch away from the cigar’s foot, rotating it until it’s evenly lit.
- To truly savor the flavors and aroma of your My Father Cigar, take slow and steady draws, letting the smoke linger in your mouth for a few seconds before exhaling.
- Remember not to inhale the smoke, as this can lead to a harsh and unpleasant experience.
By following these tips and tricks, you can ensure that your My Father Cigars experience is both enjoyable and memorable. As you savor the rich flavors and exceptional craftsmanship of each cigar, you’ll come to appreciate the passion and dedication that goes into every My Father Cigar.
Top-Rated My Father Cigars
My Father Cigars has an impressive lineup of highly-rated cigars that showcase the brand’s commitment to quality and excellence. Among these top-rated offerings are the My Father Le Bijou 1922, My Father No. 1, and My Father La Opulencia Robusto, each boasting unique flavors and exceptional construction.
For those looking to sample a variety of the brand’s offerings, the My Father sampler is an excellent choice. The sampler offers five distinct cigars from the initial lineup.
- My Father No. 1 Robusto
- My Father No. 2 Belicoso
- My Father No. # Crema
- My Father Cedros Eminentes
- My Father No. 5 Toro
Whether you’re a seasoned cigar enthusiast or just starting your journey into the world of premium cigars, exploring the top-rated My Father Cigars is an excellent way to experience the brand’s dedication to quality and taste the passion that goes into each and every cigar.
The Future of My Father Cigars
As we look to the future of My Father Cigars, the brand continues to innovate and expand its offerings. At the 2023 PCA Trade Show, My Father Cigars celebrated its 20th anniversary with special projects and new additions to the Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial line, showcasing their commitment to growth and excellence.
The introduction of the My Father Multifunctional Cigar Cutter further demonstrates the brand’s dedication to providing cigar lovers with the tools they need to fully enjoy their smoking experience. With its innovative design and connection to the esteemed brands of La Aroma de Cuba, Tatuaje Cigars, and San Cristobal, the My Father Cigars cutter is a symbol of the brand’s commitment to craftsmanship and quality.
As the Garcia family continues to shape the cigar world with their passion and expertise, the future of My Father Cigars looks brighter than ever. With new releases, limited edition offerings, and a dedication to quality that is second to none, cigar aficionados can look forward to many more years of exceptional smokes from the My Father Cigars brand.
From the rich history of Don Pepin Garcia and the new releases in the Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial line to the craftsmanship behind the My Father Cigars cutter and the enduring legacy of the Garcia family, My Father Cigars has proven to be a brand that stands the test of time. As we continue to enjoy the exceptional flavors and impeccable construction of each cigar, we are reminded of the passion and dedication that goes into every My Father Cigar. Here’s to many more years of great cigars and unforgettable smoking experiences.
\Are My Father's cigars good?
My Father cigars offer a robust and elegant experience with heavy notes of pepper complemented by a touch of nuts and dark espresso. It’s a complex, medium to full-bodied cigar that’s surprisingly smooth and ultimately satisfying.
Who makes My Father Cigar?
My Father Cigars are crafted by legendary cigar-maker Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia, using only the finest premium tobaccos from Estel, Nicaragua.
Where is My Father cigar made?
My Father Cigars are handcrafted premium tobaccos blended by Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia in Estel, Nicaragua.
José “Don” Pepin’s My Father Cigars is now producing great cigars in this beautiful facility.
Are My Father cigars premium?
My Father Cigars consistently earned ratings of 90-plus, making them a widely acclaimed and highly regarded brand in the premium cigar industry.
What is the rating of Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial?
Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial has earned a 90-point rating, with tasting notes of pepper, wine oak, and coffee bean flavors.