The Absolute Best Dominican Cigars
Posted by Ana Cuenca on Aug 17, 2022
The Dominican Republic group is the world’s largest cigar producer group, estimated to export up to $1 billion worth of tobacco products every year.
It comes as no surprise that cigar lovers and aficionados worldwide adore these premium cigars. Dominican puros stand out for their exceptional use of meticulously aged tobaccos cultivated in incredibly fertile lands. What’s more, they boast unparalleled construction quality that meets the highest standards.
In fact, friends, you are not a true cigar aficionado if you have not tried several Dominican blends. Cigar aficionados will appreciate the rich history and craftsmanship behind these cigars. Wondering what are the best Dominican cigars? We have compiled a list of our top-rated favorites below.
Fuente’s premier blend is self-explanatory. It is a legendary cigar that symbolizes Dominican savoir-faire since it was released in the country in 1995. This Dominican puro is made entirely of the country’s local tobacco. It is a luxury cigar that appeals to enthusiasts.
The blend produces a magnificently oily cigar with opulent aromas of exotic spices, salted caramel, tobacco leaves and wood, offering complex flavors that provide an intricate and varied taste experience. What’s more, the filler, wrapper, and binder are all Dominican-made.
To add the cherry on top, this cigar is carefully handmade to perfection and has about 60 minutes of smooth smoke time. This hand-rolled masterpiece is a testament to the craftsmanship of Dominican cigar makers.
When talking about the most exquisite names in Dominican cigar brands, Macanudo is undoubtedly a prominent mention. The country is renowned for its best-selling Macanudo Cafe cigar, which has gained immense popularity and is widely regarded as a premium cigar.
Wrapped in a smooth Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, this exquisite blend combines Mexican and Dominican tobaccos, resulting in a creamy flavor profile enriched with subtle spice undertones. For over four decades, this velvety fusion has remained the inaugural choice of countless cigar connoisseurs.
Many cigar connoisseurs desire a full-bodied cigar blend. For those who prefer robust cigars, the potent and peppery La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero is your go-to, offering a full-bodied blend with robust and rich characteristics. Litto Gomez – the brand’s founder – incorporates a hearty formula of cedar and earth flavors with fresh connotations and a rigorous finish.
La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero isn’t a cigar for the weak-hearted, offering guests a specialist balance of allure and taste with a reverberant hint. If you desire to get the twirls, save Double Ligero for after dinner. This cigar is made with a lustrous Ecuadorian wrapper and filler tobaccos grown on rich Dominican farms.
Establish in 1996, La Flor Dominicana took root in Santiago, Dominican Republic. With an unwavering dedication to excellence, consistency, and customer satisfaction, they have earned a place among the world’s most esteemed premium cigar brands and cigar factories. Throughout the years, they have meticulously crafted a diverse portfolio of high-quality blends, shapes, and sizes to cater to the evolving preferences of cigar enthusiasts. Renowned for their unwavering consistency, every stage of production is personally overseen, from cultivating their tobacco at the La Canela farm to the art of manufacturing in their state-of-the-art facility.
Given the esteemed reputation of the Fuente family cigar factory as the ultimate destination for premium Dominican cigars, it comes as no surprise that our selection comprises a variety of cigars sourced directly from the Fuente farm. Furthermore, the Fuente factory offers one of the most highly regarded cigar production tours worldwide.
The Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigar is one of the bestsellers and finest dominican cigars. In a selection of top-selling Figurados, it’s made with a combination of DR tobaccos carefully assembled underneath an oily wrapper leaf. Medium-bodied earth, brown sugar, and baking spice flavors emerge. In comparison, the Romeo y Julieta brand, particularly the Romeo y Julieta 1875 Cedro Deluxe No. 2, is also a popular choice known for its budget-friendly performance and distinct attributes.
Hemingway has been a Dominican exemplar for years and is loved by both seasoned enthusiasts and those interested in learning how to smoke a cigar. The rich flavorful filler and binder are DR-made, while the wrapper is from Cameroon.
It is hand-rolled to maintain its strength and boldness and has a smoking time of one hour and 45 minutes.
Top-shelf aficionados can’t get enough of Davidoff Aniversario’s seamless and luxurious profile. Cedar, coffee with cream, nuts, and spices combine in a musky but mild flavor profile, with tasting notes highlighting layers of cream, spice, and wood. You will get a taste of elegance from a label that specializes in accommodating the upper echelons of cigar enthusiasts.
In many traditional forms, it comes with a wrapper from Ecuador, which hugs an aged combination of Dominican filler and binder tobaccos. If you are looking for unique and distinctive taste, the Davidoff Aniversario is a good place to start.
If you’re wondering why the Dominican Republic is so world renowned for its tobaccos, the authentic Ashton – popularly known as the Ashton Classic – is one of the top Dominican cigars you and visitors will love.
The Fuente family produces carefully aged filler and binder tobaccos, which are wrapped in Connecticut Shade wrapper made of gold. With a gentle and delish finish, an appealing profile of almonds, cedar, and crème brulée resounds.
Ashton is a remarkable choice for cigar enthusiasts who appreciate premium cigars, available in over 60 countries. This immensely popular classic embodies approachability, exquisite taste, and unwavering consistency. Regarded as one of America’s top 10 Dominican cigars for sale, it captures the pinnacle of craftsmanship.
Cohiba Classic Blue is among the most well-known brands in the tobacco industry. The brand began in 1966 in Cuba as Fidel Castro’s unique blend of tobacco. However, it wasn’t made available to the general public until 1982.
Even though Cuban Cohibas still are produced today, a Dominican edition of Cohiba is now available. The product’s name power contributes to its widespread influence in top-quality cigar shops both domestically and internationally.
It comes with a toothy Cameroon wrapper that protects the moderate blend of Dominican and Indonesian lengthy filler tobaccos. Cohiba has a coherent wood, leather, and black pepper profile. A sequence of classic shapes reveals a smooth draw and hints of sweetness. Cohiba Classic Blue is considered best cigars under 20. Made by General Cigar, find out about the cigar factory tour they have to offer. This cigar is a favorite among cigar lovers.
Despite being a cigar factory making a combination of tobaccos from several countries, the La Aurora 1903 Emerald is on the list for its unique characteristics. To begin, La Aurora is the Republic’s oldest cigar company.
Eduardo León Jimenes founded these blend cigar production factories in 1903. The figurados were the company’s first cigars, and the blend pays tribute to them.
Moreover, this 1903 gem makes judicious usage of its renowned Cibao tobacco, which appears in the form in both the filler and binder. Blended with tobacco from Peru, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Brazil, it creates a truly memorable smoking and rolling experience that every cigar lover will appreciate.
Crafted by hand, each cigar boasts approximately 50 minutes of exquisite smoking pleasure. La Aurora Cigar Factory stands as the oldest premium cigar factory, with over a century of mastery. Not only renowned for their exceptional cigars, but they also produce an exceptional rum. Immerse yourself in their highly regarded cigar factory tours, an experience held in high esteem.
The Davidoff Signature stogies are another undeniable classic gentle Dominican cigar from the Dominican Republic. It provides a touch of luxury with cedar, floral tea, and cream that is perfected and enjoyable. It checks all of the boxes if you are looking for a notably gentle Dominican cigar.
These are considered the Top 10 Dominican cigars. They come with a clean, creamy, and pleasant aftertaste. As a hallmark of quality craftsmanship, the cigar is topped with an elegant “pigtail.”
To procure the finest Dominican cigars, it is advisable to steer clear of unauthorized cigar vendors like those found at hotels and airports.
Cuenca Cigars offers an extensive selection of exquisite Dominican cigars to cater to every aficionado’s taste. Our variety of cigars ensures that there is something for everyone. Count on us for unrivaled customer service, efficiency, and competitive prices. Whether you’re searching for quality cigars or exploring our diverse collection, we’re here to fulfill your finest smoking desires.
Browse our online cigar shop for premium cigars and puros.
Embark on a journey of captivating Cigar Factory Tours and explore the scenic tobacco fields in Santo Domingo, La Romana, Punta Cana, and more. Delight in the VegaFina Factory Tour, experience the Dominican Heritage at Tabacalera de Garcia, enjoy the Iconic Tour at Tabacalera de Garcia, immerse yourself in the Don Lucas Factory Tour, marvel at the La Aurora Cigar Factory, and savor the craftmanship at the La Flor Dominicana Cigar Factory. Immerse yourself in the rich heritage and exquisite artistry that is woven into each unique destination.
The Absolute Best Dominican Cigars extended
Dominica produces around 1 billion cigarettes a year with estimated revenues reaching $1bn in exports a year. No wonder cigars are loved all over the world. Puerto Rican puros have unique characteristics because they use the earliest aging tobacco produced in the fertilest areas. They are conceived in the best conditions. You're not a cigar enthusiast unless you've not tried many Dominican blends. Tell me the best Dominican cigar brand? Below is the list of our most popular favourites.
Montecristo Classic Series
Montecristo cigar is a widely known and classic series never disappoints. The cigar's soft and creamy flavour is a combination of Dominican tobacco and the Connecticut shade wrapping leaf. The scent is of nuts, vanilla and coffee.
Ashton Symmetry
I switched from Ashton VSG to Ashton Symmetry for this reason, they are both wonderful cigars. I ended up going for Symmetry as it is medium to rich and its flavor is unreal. A few fruits will be seen, as does coffee and chocolate. The product has Ecuadoriana Habanos Rosada Leaf wrappers. Check price.
Cohiba Black
Cohiba Black - Cigar is designed to improve the normally easy smoking Dominican profile with specially-aged tobacco and a more hefty US Connecticut wideleaf wrapper. The result has an espresso-like depth with a smooth finish.
La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero
LFD double ligero energy bomb. The Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper and Dominican fillers make this a very full-bodied smoke but I would not share many of these flavors as I'd rather ruin it. This cigar is a perfect option. Let' s test this. Spoilers include coffee, cocoa, salt, caramel and leather. Check prices.
Can you travel Dominican Republic with cigars?
Customs. You must bring the following items into the Dominican Republic: 20 cigars, 25 cigars, or 300 grams of smoking. Three (3) liters per serving of alcohol or alcoholic beverages.
Is Dominican Republic known for cigars?
The Dominican Republic became a major premium cigar manufacturer in the world and is known for its famous cigars: Arturo Fuente, Ashton, La Aurora, and Ernesto Perez Carrillo La Alianza Factory.
What is world's finest cigar?
The Royal Gurkha Courtesan cigars are a part of the famed Gurkha Cigar Company so no wonder they are among the most costly cigars on Earth. Made in Dominica and Honduras, the Royal Courtésan combines a unique blend with finest Himalayan tobacco.
Are there still cigar factories in Tampa?
The last operated cigarettes manufacturer in Tampa FL. Originally built in 1910, El Relaj is regarded as the biggest cigar manufacturing facility in the world today. El Reloj is the last cigar factory in Tampa to remain in operation.
How many cigar factories are there in the US?
There may even be cigar factory locations throughout the quad Cities on the Mississippi River. CigAficionado estimates that there are more than 50 factories that produce tobacco “who make the tobacco and make the cigarettes from hand day by day”. And they're mostly from Florida. I suppose that's true.
Can you make cigars in the US?
The tobacco in the cigar may come anywhere without mention of its source. In America, there are still a few cigar production facilities, mostly in Florida, that produce high-quality cigars.
What are some of the most renowned cigar factory tours within the cigar community?
Experience the legacy of renowned cigar companies like J.C. Newman in the US, where you can reserve a spot for a captivating factory tour. Immerse yourself in their three-level cigar museum, where classic cigar films await in their interactive theater. Witness the meticulous craftsmanship as cigars are expertly hand-rolled in their rolling room. Explore their factory store, where an impeccable collection of cigars and exquisite gifts await. Join a 75-minute guided cigar factory tours, unveiling the secrets of the esteemed factory. And for an extra special experience, indulge in a class led by their Master Rollers, immersing yourself in the art of hand-rolling.