Introducing the magnificent E.P. Carrillo Short Run 2023 Toro—a cigar that embodies exquisite craftsmanship and innovation. This masterpiece is a collaboration between cigar industry titans Ernesto Perez-Carrillo and Oscar Valladares, transforming the landscape of premium cigars.
With meticulous attention to detail and an unwavering passion for their craft, Perez-Carrillo and Valladares have created a cigar that surpasses expectations. The E.P. Carrillo Short Run 2023 Toro showcases the finest tobaccos from Honduras and Nicaragua, delivering rich, nuanced flavors in a medium-strength blend.
Limited to just 1,250 boxes, this collector's gem is a testament to the dedication and artistry behind its creation. Experience the vision, talent, and passion of two industry legends with the E.P. Carrillo Short Run 2023 Toro and elevate your cigar journey.