Introducing the magnificent E.P. Carrillo Short Run 2023 Toro, a cigar that is the epitome of exquisite craftsmanship and boundless innovation. This masterpiece is the result of a collaboration between two titans of the cigar industry, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo and Oscar Valladares. When these two visionaries joined forces, the world of premium cigars was forever changed.
With meticulous attention to detail and an unwavering passion for their craft, Perez-Carrillo and Valladares have created a cigar that surpasses all expectations. The E.P. Carrillo Short Run 2023 Toro is a testament to their artistry and their commitment to pushing the boundaries of excellence.
This extraordinary cigar showcases the finest tobaccos from the picturesque lands of Honduras. The wrapper is crafted from the revered Habano Seed Ecuador, known for its exceptional flavor and impeccable quality. The binder is sourced from Nicaragua, adding depth and complexity to the blend. As for the fillers, a harmonious combination of tobaccos from Honduras and Nicaragua transports your senses to blissful heights.
The Toro size, measuring 6 x 52, is the perfect canvas for this remarkable blend. With each puff, your palate will be enraptured by rich, nuanced flavors that dance upon your taste buds. From the initial draw to the lingering finish, this medium-strength cigar delivers an unforgettable experience.
Limited to just 1,250 boxes, the E.P. Carrillo Short Run 2023 Toro is a true collector's gem. Each box is a testament to the dedication and artistry that went into crafting this exceptional cigar. Don't miss your chance to be a part of cigar history as you indulge in this masterpiece.
Whether you're a seasoned connoisseur or a curious enthusiast, the E.P. Carrillo Short Run 2023 Toro will leave an indelible mark on your smoking journey. This is not just a cigar; it is a reflection of the vision, talent, and passion of two industry legends. Embrace the opportunity to elevate your cigar experience to new heights.
Ignite your senses and embark on a journey of unparalleled pleasure. The E.P. Carrillo Short Run 2023 Toro awaits your discerning palate.