My Father Cigars
Don Pepin Garcia Blue Imperiales Cigars are the famous cigars by the Don Pepin featuring the finest of the materials. Originated from the Nicaragua, these cigars are handcrafted taking care of all the very tiny details. It uses Nicaraguan grown filler and binder mixed in the very perfect ratio. The Corojo-Oscuro wrapper having a rich flavour profile binds the filler and binder making a strong, solid cigar. The Don Pepin Garcia Blue Imperiales Cigars presents an even burn rate and thick creamy smoke. These medium to full bodied cigars consistently burn releasing a pleasant aroma. The cigar becomes more complex as it burns, revealing notes of spicy pepper and coffee with cedar notes lingering on your palate. These are Belicoso shaped cigars measuring 6 1/8 x 52. They usually come packed in boxes of 24 cigars. To buy these premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.