My Father Cigars
Don Pepin Garcia Blue Exclusivo Cigars, originated in the Nicaragua, are manufactured by Don Pepin. These popular cigars are handcrafted using the finest ingredients making it a good choice for any occasion. The cigar uses a Nicaraguan grown special filler leaves packing a balanced flavour profile. With the filler sits a Nicaraguan binder which is then wrapped using a special, well aged Corojo-Oscuro wrapper. As a result Don Pepin Garcia Blue Exclusivo Cigars has a sharp burn rate with silky smooth smoke. It also has a rich flavour profile that includes sweet notes of pepper, wood, and leather. The medium to full bodied cigar has an attractive Presidente shape. They measure 9 1/4 x 48 in size and are packed in boxes of 24 cigars. To buy these premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.