Crowned Heads Cigars
Crowned Heads Tennessee Waltz Cigars is a premium handmade cigar that offers an unforgettable smoking bold and flavorful experience. Expertly crafted by My Father Cigars in Nicaragua for Crowned Heads, these cigars feature a deep-dark-brown USA Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and tobaccos from Nicaragua. The complex flavor profile of Crowned Heads Tennessee Waltz Cigars delivers notes of earth, leather, and cocoa with smooth hints of nuttiness. These cigars are handmade to perfection and offer a medium body taste profile that will keep your taste buds wanting more.
The Crowned Heads brand is known for its attention to detail and careful selection of tobaccos for each one of its blends. With Tennessee Waltz Cigars, you can expect nothing short of excellence. Each cigar is hand rolled and constructed with utmost care to ensure a perfect draw every time you light up. The beautiful craftsmanship adds to the overall smoking pleasure, which makes these cigars a must-have in your humidor. Crowned Heads, the company behind this cigar, has released a regional edition called Tennessee Waltz as a tribute to the state in which it is based.
The unique blend of tobaccos in Crowned Heads Tennessee Waltz Cigars creates an unforgettable smoking experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you enjoy mild or full-bodied smokes, this delicious cigar will satisfy even the most discerning palate. Enjoy them as part of your daily smoking ritual or save them for special occasions—you won’t be disappointed!