Crowned Heads Cigars
The Crowned Heads Tennessee Waltz Cigars Single is a top-quality handmade cigar that offers a robust and delicious smoking experience. Made in Nicaragua by My Father Cigars, these cigars feature a USA Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and Nicaraguan tobacco. They have a rich taste with hints of earth, leather, cocoa, and a slightly nutty flavor. The cigars are expertly crafted and have a medium body that will leave you craving more.
Crowned Heads is a renowned cigar brand known for its exceptional quality and attention to detail. Their Tennessee Waltz Cigars are no exception as they are made with carefully selected tobaccos and expertly hand-rolled for a perfect draw with every light. These cigars are not only a treat to smoke, but they also feature beautiful construction that adds to the overall experience. As a special tribute to the state where the brand originated, Crowned Heads named this cigar the Tennessee Waltz. Make sure to add these exquisite cigars to your humidor collection.
If you like full-bodied cigars, try Crowned Heads Tennessee Waltz. Their unique blend of tobaccos creates a memorable smoking experience. You can buy them individually for everyday use or save them for special events. Give them a try and see how great they are for you!