Crowned Heads Cigars
These cigars are made with a Mexican San Andres Maduro wrapper and filled with aged long-filler tobacco, which enhances their flavor and aroma when smoked. They have a smooth draw and even burn, ensuring a pleasurable experience for the smoker.
The cigars contain filler and binder from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and USA Connecticut, while the binder is made of Ecuadorian Sumatra. They have a distinct flavor with hints of coffee, leather, wood, spice, and chocolate.
The Ozgener Aramas A55 Cigars have an intricate flavor that ends with a creamy and slightly sweet taste that stays in your mouth. To enhance the flavor, you can pair the cigar with dark roast coffee or espresso. This particular cigar provides a unique smoking experience, as it is excellently constructed and has exceptional flavors sure to satisfy even the most discerning tastes.
The Ozgener Family Cigars, which are manufactured by the well-known Dominican Republic-based company Tabacalera Alianza, are now being sold individually. You can now buy a single cigar from Cuenca's humidor by remotely accessing it.