My Father Cigars
Inside the sleeve, you can find a selection of top-notch cigars from Nicaragua, which includes the well-known My Father cigars as well as the older El Rey de los Habanos cigars like Don Pepin Garcia Vegas Cubanas. Additionally, you will also find other cigar varieties from My Father Cigar S.A. - Flor de las Antillas Maduro, My Father, El Centurion, and La Duena, all in Toro robust size. These medium to full-bodied cigars are appropriately preserved in a humidified sleeve.
Experience My Father cigar portfolio, an award-winning assortment of premium Nicaraguan cigars crafted by father-and-son cigar makers Jose 'Pepin' Garcia and Jaime Garcia. This rich and zesty assortment offers five unique blends that showcase the Garcia family's mastery. You'll enjoy notes of leather, earth, dark chocolate, wood, and pepper, all at an amazing value.
If don't open the cigars, they can stay fresh for up to a year. However, once you open them, they will start to lose freshness after 90 days. This sampler of Nicaraguan cigars is an excellent choice whether you want to expand your collection or give it as a gift to another cigar lover.
This Sampler includes the following cigars:
- Flor de las Antillas Maduro Toro (6 x 50)
- My Father Toro (6 x 50)
- El Centurion H-2K-CT Toro (6 x 50)
- La Duena Toro (6 x 50)
- Don Pepin Garcia Vegas Cubanas Generosos (6 x 50)