La Aroma de Cuba Reserva Divino Cigars are joint creations of the renowned father-son duo, Jose Pepin and Jaime Garcia. They are rolled in their My Father Cigars factory in Nicaragua. The cigar comes wrapped in a dark, thick Mexican Oscuro wrapper grown from Cuban seed. This wrapper hides in it a blend of patiently aged Nicaraguan long fillers. They burn smoothly producing a rich, full body smoke. These cigars have beautiful construction and savoury flavour profile which includes notes of earth, roasted coffee, cocoa, sweetness and cedar. A refined finish ends the joyride. No wonder these cigars have bagged 93 point rating from the critics. These La Aroma de Cuba Reserva Divino Cigars are handmade in the size of 6 1/4 X 52. They are offered in eye-catching boxes in set of 24. To buy these much-acclaimed premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.