La Aroma de Cuba Cigars
La Aroma De Cuba Pasion Robusto Cigars are a magnificent blend of Nicaraguan Shade Grown cigars with Estelí, Jalapa, and Namanji filler and binder. These sticks offer an exquisite flavor profile that captivates the palate, offering up a complexity of nutty, earthy flavors that tantalize the senses. The 5 1/2 x 50 Toro size is perfect for those seeking an enjoyable yet fulfilling smoking experience in a manageable size.
The wrapper on these cigars is what really sets them apart from the rest. Nicaraguan Shade Grown wrappers produce a unique, precise flavor that can only be found in this particular region of Nicaragua; it's earthy, spicy notes provide the perfect balance to their rich fillers, giving La Aroma De Cuba Pasion Robusto Cigars a truly unique character.
Available in boxes of 25, La Aroma De Cuba Pasion Robusto Cigars are sure to please even the most discerning cigar aficionado. Whether you're looking for something new to add to your collection or just want something different for your next smoke session, these sticks are sure to deliver an exciting and complex experience every time you light up!