La Aroma De Cuba Pasion Encanto Cigars are delectable, medium to full-bodied offerings from the Ashton Cigars, handmade at My Father Cigar Factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. These cigars have a robust flavor profile that includes notes of espresso, leather, and sweet spices. The 6 x 60 Toro Gordo size is perfect for experienced smokers who enjoy the deeper flavors this blend has to offer. Its Nicaraguan Shade Grown wrapper provides an attractive medium-brown color with visible oils on its surface. Inside, the expertly blended filler and binder are composed of Estelí, Jalapa, and Namanji tobaccos which add complexity and balance to the overall experience. Expertly rolled, these cigars offer a cool draw with an even burn throughout. Whether you’re enjoying one alone or sharing them with friends, the La Aroma De Cuba Pasion Encanto Cigars will bring out an array of nuanced flavors that you won’t soon forget!