Joya de Nicaragua Cigars
Joya Black Double Robusto Cigars, meticulously hand-rolled in Nicaragua, exemplify the pinnacle of premium cigar craftsmanship. Embodied within these Nicaraguan gems is a Maduro Mexican San Andres wrapper, artfully enhancing the flavor and aroma of this meticulously crafted smoke. With a 5 x 56 size, each draw offers an optimal amount of smoke to relish, immersing you in a delightful symphony of full-bodied flavors. Delighting the palate with earthy undertones, hints of cedar, and a lusciously sweet finish, the Joya Black Double Robusto Cigar delivers an unparalleled smoking experience that is bound to captivate any aficionado seeking the extraordinary. Elevate your smoking indulgence today and embark on a journey that promises sheer satisfaction.