Fuente Fuente Opus X Cigars
Fuente Fuente OpusX PerfecXion X Cigars are rare premium cigars that have made their mark in the hearts of the smoke lovers. These cigars are crafted using finest quality aged Dominican tobaccos to bring out the best flavors in the cigars. The wrapper of this cigar is specially cultivated in the lands of Chateau de la Fuente land which has spelled magic for it. These are full bodied cigars crafted with care and attention to the details. Each cigar is a yardstick of perfection due to its brilliant making. These Fuente Fuente OpusX PerfecXion X Cigars are rolled in the shape of Toro in the 6.25 x 48. They are available in metal tins in set of 3 cigars. To buy these special cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.