Flor de Gonzalez Cigars
Flor de Gonzalez 90 Miles Churchill Cigars are commemorative cigars with prominent Cubanesque feel. This line is a tribute to the very significant 90 miles journey from Cuba to United States undertook by Gonzalez in the year 1980. This expedition changed his life. The 90 Miles line packs a blend of chosen, well-aged and extra fermented Nicaraguan tobaccos. They are rolled in a beautiful Habano Rosado wrapper. This tall cigar boasts a skilful construction that aids in its perfect burn and draw. On the way it releases strong flavours of cedar, leather and natural sweetness that are joined by nuances of earth, pepper and spices later on. Complex and satisfying this cigar is absolutely worth trying. These are crafted in the size of 7 x 48 and packed in boxes of 20. To buy these Flor de Gonzalez 90 Miles Churchill Cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.