AVO Cigars
Avo Heritage Robusto Tubo Cigars is a highly acclaimed premium cigar that is crafted by two cigar masters, Hendrik Kelner and Avo Uvezian. This Avo Heritage line is a receiver of notable 90 point rating from the Cigar Aficionado. The blend of this cigar consists of Dominican Ligero, Seco, and Peruvian long fillers bound by a Dominican binder. The outer covering of this cigar is made from the sun grown Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper that has an eternal appeal. This mixture delivers a medium to full bodied strength that is enhanced by the refined flavours of cocoa, cedar, toast and subtle spices. The characteristic creamy smooth smoke of all Avo cigars is again replicated here giving the cigar connoisseurs full joy of smoking. The Avo Heritage Robusto Tubo is available in the size of 4 7/8 x 50. These beauties are packed in tubes which are placed in sturdy boxes in set of 20. To buy one of these boxes place an order now at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.