AJ Fernandez Cigars
Are you ready to unlock the door to cigar paradise and explore some of the world's finest handcrafted Nicaraguan cigars? Then you need the Taste Of Nicaragua Sampler By AJ Fernandez! This specially designed box is jam-packed with six premium cigars from some of the most sought-after brands and crafted by master cigar maker AJ Fernandez. Enjoy a 92-rated Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua, Montecristo Nicaragua series (Rated 96), H. Upmann Nicaragua by AJ Fernandez (Rated 90), Trinidad Espiritu, Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Nicaragua, and Onyx Bold Nicaragua.
Each fresh and flavorful cigar is made using only the high-quality tobacco leaves grown in the rich soils of Cuenca, making these an experience like no other. Sure to become your go-to gift idea for any occasion, why not order yours today? Get ready to have your taste buds tingling with delight as new cigar aromas fill the room with each puff - because when you choose to enjoy a Taste Of Nicaragua Sampler By AJ Fernandez, anything is possible!