Davidoff Cigars
When you want the finest in a smoke break, Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua Cigars are the perfect choice. You don’t have to settle for mediocrity when you want quality flavor and aroma packed into an enjoyable smoke that can be savored in just a few minutes. With grade-A leaves of four different varieties wrapped in a Nicaragua Habano wrapper, each cigarillo is sure to please your palate. The silky medium body produces fragrant smoke with smooth notes of nuts, cocoa and aged cedar for a truly unique tobacco experience that will leave you wanting more.
Featuring uniform construction and consistent quality, these pocketable cigars ignite quickly and provide an unmistakable Davidoff flavor before you know it. They’re dry-cured so you can keep them anytime and anywhere without worrying about wasting your investment. For luxurious convenience, grab a pack of Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua Cigars today and get ready to savor the subtle natural flavors of an exceptional smoke.