Partagas Cigars
Partagas, the renowned Cuban cigar brand, introduces the exquisite Partagas 1845 Extra Oscuro Robusto | Best Dominican Cigars, boasting an intensified flavor profile. Meticulously crafted in the Dominican Republic, these premium cigars feature long filler tobacco sourced from the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Experience the epitome of sophistication and richness with this exceptional blend.
This cigar boasts a blend of tobacco sourced from three distinct countries: a binder from Dominican La Vega Especial and a dark Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper. It offers a complex flavor profile, enticing your palate with rich chocolate, succulent berries, smooth leather, a hint of black pepper, and the robustness of dark roast coffee. Crafted for experienced smokers who appreciate Partagas' bolder and darker offerings, this full-bodied masterpiece awaits, available for purchase in a convenient box of 20 online from Cuenca Cigar.
Looking for exceptional Dominican cigars? Skip the Cubans and explore Cuenca Cigars' top 5 picks from the Dominican Republic. Discover our favorite smokes and delve into the details on our captivating blog post. Don't miss out!