Omar Ortez Originals Toro Cigars are bold, flavorful premium cigars designed to satisfy the craving for a good smoke. Omar Ortez with his years of experience blended these cigars using a mix of Nicaraguan fillers and binder covered by a dark Nicaraguan wrapper leaf. They blended together precisely create a medium to full bodied cigar with plenty of flavors. Dominant notes of spices, earth and nuts touch the palate in balanced fashion keeping it busy throughout. They are rated highly by the critics and appreciated by the smoke lovers widely. These Omar Ortez Originals Toro Cigars are beautifully rolled in the size of 6 x 54. They are packaged in wooden boxes with double openings in set of 20. To buy these flavorful Nicaraguan puros place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.
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