Oliva Serie V
Oliva Serie V Cigars is one of the widely acclaimed cigars of the Oliva Cigar Company. A cigar for a true cigar aficionado that appreciates the complexity on a blend. It holds in its core a blend of long aged Nicaraguan ligeros grown in Jalapa valley. A dark, silky smooth, shimmering wrapper which is grown from Habano seed is used to wrap up this concoction. The end result is a powerful, finely tuned smooth puro which is full in body strength. Touches of spices, coffee and tobacco create the flavor that finally ends on a chocolaty note. Serie V from Oliva has earned several 90 plus point ratings from the cigar critics and a spot twice in the list of the top 25 cigars of the year by Cigar Aficionado. This cigar come in various vitolas like, Churchill Extra 7.0x52, Double Robusto 5.0x54, Double Robusto Tubo 5.0x54, Double Toro 6.0x60 and so on. To try your favorite vitola of these Oliva Serie V cigars place an order now at Cuenca Cigars and get them at the best online prices.