Oliva Serie G Maduro Perfecto Cigars are full flavored handmade premium cigars originated in Nicaragua. They are produced by Oliva Cigar Co. using Nicaraguan Habano long fillers. They are secured by Cuban seed Nicaraguan binder. A dark and thick Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper enwraps them from outside. This concoction bears medium body strength and balanced flavors delivered in smooth fashion. Among the flavors notes of earth, coffee and cedar remains consistent. They burn beautifully backed by their skilled construction. They also come at an affordable price. These Oliva Serie G Maduro Perfecto Cigars are rolled in the size of 5 1/2 x 54. They are available in wooden boxes packed in numbers of 24. To buy these Oliva maduro cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.