Oliva Cigars
Oliva Cain Maduro 654T Cigars are memorable cigars that are produced in Nicaragua in Oliva Cigar factory. They comprise of straight ligero blend that consists of three types of tobaccos grown in distinct parts of Nicaragua. They are aged for a long period and fermented three times to offer a smooth, creamy smoke. These tobacco leaves are draped in a dark hued shimmering maduro wrapper from Mexico. They deliver full bodied thick smoke with abundant notes of deep tobaccos, earth, coffee and so on. These Oliva Cain Maduro 654T Cigars are constructed in the size of 6 x 54 which is a Torpedo in format. They are packed in wooden cabinets in set of 24. To buy these flavorful ligero cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.