Oliva Cigars
NUB Cameroon 466T Box Press Cigars are exceptional cigars constructed by Oliva Cigar Co. The idea behind these cigars was to capture the sweet spot right from the beginning. For that they experimented with lots of combinations and sizes and finally settled on these big ring small cigars. They are brimming with rich Nicaraguan long fillers and binder which are cloaked in a dark brown African Cameroon wrapper leaf. They, as designed, deliver the true flavors from the start with medium to full body profile. The smoke they offer is as satisfying as any large cigar and also offers delightful notes of cedar, pepper and spices. These NUB Cameroon 466T Box Press Cigars are rolled in the size of 4 x 66. They are packed in wooden boxes in sets of 24. To buy these flavor-packed small cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.