
Monte By Montecristo


Monte by Montecristo Cigars is a luxurious line of hand-rolled cigars with the finest quality tobacco. They feature a unique blend of Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Ecuadorian tobaccos, which results in an aromatic experience that is smooth and mellow.

The cigar is made with Dominican Olor and vintage Nicaraguan and Dominican-aged tobaccos as fillers, covered in a beautiful and oily Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. The flavor profile is balanced and complex, with cedar, spice, leather, and coffee notes. With a slow burn and even draw, these cigars offer an enjoyable smoke every time.

The Monte by Montecristo brand is produced at the famed Tabacalera de Garcia factory in La Romana, Dominican Republic. This facility produces some of the highest quality cigars in the world using traditional Cuban methods. The cigars are aged for several months to bring out their full flavor before being packaged for release.

Monte by Montecristo Cigars come in four different vitolas (sizes): Robusto (5 1/2 x 48), Toro (6 x 52), Toro Gordo or Monte (6 x 60), and Torpedo or Jacopo No. 2 (6 1/8 x 54). All sizes boast the same impeccable construction and high-quality ingredients that make them so popular with aficionados worldwide. Whether searching for something to enjoy after dinner or something special to share with friends, Monte by Montecristo Cigars will never fail to deliver a truly unforgettable and unique smoking experience.

For a limited time, when you buy a box, you will receive a free Montecristo Cigar Hat while supplies last.