La Gloria Cubana Serie R No. 4 Cigars are well-made premium cigars that are meant for seasoned aficionados. They feature a rich blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan ligero tobaccos. They are significantly aged to enhance their inner flavors. They are cloaked in a luscious Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper of smooth texture. They combined together create a full bodied complex cigar laden with spicy and tobacco flavors. They are masterfully built with a big ring gauge that intensifies the smoking experience. They burn smoothly with an effortless draw. These La Gloria Cubana Serie R No. 4 Cigars are handmade in the size of 4 7/8 X 52 which is Robusto in shape. They come in black polished boxes packed in set of 24. To buy these big gauge cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.