Another incredible collaboration from My Father cigars and Don Pepin Garcia- La Antiguedad cigars are rated #20 Cigar of the Year.
Aged for at least 3.5 years, these cigars possess a smooth, complex smoke with a medium-full flavor profile. You will detect hints of leather, coffee, cocoa, and pepper. These handcrafted premium cigars are finished with artistic detailing and available in a variety of vitolas from Figurado tubes to Corona Grande.
La Antiguedad cigars are made with a blend of premium Cuban-seed tobacco from 3 different regions of Nicaragua. The Corojo and Criollo double binders are integrated within the tobacco blend and wrapped in a red Ecuadorian Habano Rosado Oscuro wrapper.
La Antiguedad translates to 'The Antiquity' in English.
Order your My father Don Pepin Garcia La Antiguedad cigars for the best price online with Cuenca Cigars.
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