Illusione Ultra
Illusione Ultra Cigars are true Nicaraguan puros made for the cigar connoisseurs. Made from all Nicaraguan filler and binder from the Jalapa and Esteli regions this cigar is wrapped under a high priming Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper. Illusione Ultra Cigars are a powerful blend that is full of rich and bold flavours which are nicely balanced. They produce thick, rich smoke with notes of caramelized sugar, black liquorice and Amaro. This cigar is rolled and then “pressed” overnight to achieve its tactile rectangular shape. These cigars come in the variety of sizes such as, Double Corona 6 3/4 x 56, Robusto 4 3/4 x 48, Toro 5 1/2 x 56 and MKULTRA - Limited Edition Corona 5 1/8x42. Buy these cigars at the best online price from here at CuencaCIgars and savour the delicious taste of them.