If you are looking for the best Nicaraguan cigar experience, Illusione Cruzado Classic Marelas Supremas Cigars are a must-have! These handmade cigars provide a luxurious smoking experience right out of the box. Each 6 1/2 x 52 Toro is expertly crafted with premium wrappers and fillers infused with Nicaraguan tobacco that delivers medium to full flavors in every puff. Handcrafted at Fabrica de Tabacos Raices Cubanas S. de RL, these cigars can truly redefine smoking. The masterful blending done by Dion Giorlito ensures not only quality but also an exquisite aromatic profile that will certainly make this your favorite cigar brand. Get them shipped directly with free shipping when you purchase $99+ from Cuenca Cigars – the ultimate destination for cigars and other fine tobacco products!