EL REY del MUNDO Cigars
Experience the subtle yet unique flavor of EL REY del MUNDO Naturales Rectangular's Cigars, delivering an intense and balanced mellow to medium-bodied smoke, perfect for your afternoon relaxation. Originating from Honduras, these cigars are handmade using only the finest Ecuadorian Ligero Sumatra wrapper, accompanied by a Honduras binder and robust fillers made of Honduras and Nicaragua tobaccos. Each 5 5/8 inch Corona is box-pressed square to keep its shape and burn evenly while releasing pleasurable aromas. Moreover, each box contains 20 individually handcrafted cigars that guarantee a mellow to medium flavor profile with each puff. Cuenca Cigars proudly offers free shipping on all orders over $99 plus. So buy your EL REY del MUNDO Naturales Rectangular's Cigars online now – right here, right now – and enjoy a world-class smoking experience whenever you want it!