Cuenca Cigars Que Pasa?
Our monthly Que Pasa Newsletter. April 2011. An informational electronic only newspaper to keep you up to date with the events and cigar sales and cigar specials. Also, see interesting reviews and new products! Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date!
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January, 20th 2012
It's "DA PARTY"!!!!
On February 23rd, 2013, SAVE THE DATE, we will be celebrating Cuenca Cigar Shop's fifth anniversary and formally releasing our new cigar: "Cuenca 5 Anniversary". Party starts at 7 P.M
Cuenca Cigars will host the launch party at their Hollywood, Florida location and you are invited! Read More
The Cigarmy Review.
Kip Fisher, The Cigarmy guy just did a full Review of "Cuenca 5 Anniversary" and I love it and want it to share with you all.
Cuenca 5 Anniversary
Cigar Survey
We are conducting a "Cuenca 5 Anniversary" Cigar Survey. All you need to do is Smoke one and let us know what you think. By Filling out th survey you get the chance to win. See details... Survey
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Sale prices are effective while supplies last during sale dates ONLY and CANNOT BE COMBINED with any other sales or offers unless specifically indicated. Cuenca Cigars Shop cannot guarantee availability. We reserve the right to limit backorders on sale items. Sale prices ARE NOT RETROACTIVE and are subject to change without notice. Prices posted above are actual sale prices AFTER discount. Cuenca Cigars Shop is not responsible for typographical errors on prices, quantities, cigar sizes or other information. Please email if you have questions, or call 1-866-417-9454.
And YES! We are open 7 Days a Week 11 am till Midnight, 365 Days!
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