
Oliva Serie G


Experience the exquisite blend of Oliva Serie G Cigars, crafted from a unique selection of the finest tobaccos.

Oliva Serie G Cigars boast a first-of-its-kind African Cameroon wrapper, offering unparalleled flavor and enjoyment. The medium body blend of this cigar is composed of Nicaraguan Habano long-fillers for the perfect balance in both taste and complexity, creating an incredibly smooth smoking experience that can be enjoyed by any level aficionado. Crafted with care at the renowned Oliva factory, these cigars are sure to exceed all expectations!

What is the rating of Oliva Serie G?

The Oliva Serie G Cigars offers a unique and captivating flavor profile with notes of nuts, wood, and coffee. This high-quality premium cigar has earned an impressive 91 points from leading publishers and cigar aficionados alike.

Are Oliva Serie G good cigars?

Oliva Serie G Cigars are quickly becoming a favorite among novice cigar smokers. As an extension of Oliva Cigars, these premium cigars boast a distinctive squared press and feature Cameroon (African) wrapper and a binder made from Cuban Seed Habano as well as flavorful Nicaraguan Habano filler tobaccos. Released during the 90s cigar boom, this line of premium cigars has been consistently ranked amongst the top sellers for Oliva Cigars ever since its launch! 

What country is Oliva Serie G Cigars from?

Oliva Cigar Co., a producer of cigars found in countries around the world, is best known for Oliva Serie G Cigars. They have been crafted by Melanio Oliva since 1886 when he first started growing tobacco in Pinar del Río, Cuba. Now produced mainly in Nicaragua, these premium hand-rolled smokes are revered and sought after worldwide!

Now is the time to try Oliva Serie G, now available on Cuenca Cigars online! Especially if you are a new smoker and looking for cigars with an abundance of flavor and incredibly smooth tobacco experiences. We want to make sure that your experience as a beginner starts off right - so take a look at our post discussing the best cigars for beginners out there today.