Casa Magna Oscuro by Quesada Robusto Cigars are one of the darkest looking premium cigars produced by Manuel Quesada and Nestor Plasencia. They are exceptionally flavorful and smooth cigars with a blend of significantly aged tobaccos. The core is filled with a blend of Cuban seed Honduran and Nicaraguan long fillers bound by Cuban seed Honduran binder. To cloak them a dark looking plush Honduran Oscuro wrapper is utilized. They produce a complex full bodied smoke with deep tobacco flavors. Hints of dried fruit, earth and leather also make their way as the cigar evenly burns. These Casa Magna Oscuro by Quesada Robusto Cigars are crafted in the size of 5 x 54. They are packaged in 27 count boxes. To buy these darkest cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.
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