Aganorsa Leaf Cigars
Aganorsa Leaf Miami Arsenio Corojo Cigars are wonderfully complex premiums handcrafted in Nicaragua. These cigars use select top-class Nicaraguan tobaccos grown with care. They sport a Corojo wrapper on top. This blend creates a rich flavourful smoke loaded with lots of Nicaraguan tobacco spicy notes. Bold and rich these cigars are also very smooth on the palate. With this cigar you will never have a dull moment. This is a perfect choice for all Nicaraguan smoke lovers. These cigars are crafted in 5 1/4 x 54 sized Robusto vitolas. Boxes of 10 are available for these Aganorsa Leaf Miami Arsenio Corojo Cigars. Buy them at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.