
Tatuaje Nicaragua


Tatuaje Nicaragua cigars are made by Don “Pepin” Garcia in the My Father factory. Creating a complex medium to full-bodied smoke, the Tatuaje Nicaragua cigar is made of first generation Cuban-seed tobacco grown in Nicaragua. Tatuaje Nicaragua are rare cigars in high-demand; they are only produced in small amounts to keep the quality and consistency of the cigar as impressive as possible. Don’t miss out and order them for the best online prices at Cuenca Cigars.



Tatuaje Nicaragua cigar is made by Pete Jonson and manufacturer by Don Pepin, who is the master blender and owner at the factory "My Father Cigars. Working closely with Pete Johnson, he has developed some excellent flavor to put in this cigar that you will love to smoke around.
First third: In the first third, you will observe a bitter leathery taste, bitter and darker notes of smoke, and bitter tobacco notes mixed with spice. Second third: The flavor gets leathery with a kick of black coffee, sweetness in the second third. The spice is mostly down as you burn through it. Last Third: For the most part, the flavors are consistent that you observe in the second third. The newly added feel is earthy and woody notes in the last third.
The Tatuaje Nicaragua cigar comes in Habano, Connecticut, and Sumatra wrappers with a veiny appearance. It has a lot of texture, with a lumpy and bumpy appearance. The band on it is pretty simple with Rustic and creamy colored visuals. It brings remembrances of the old style Cuban smoke. Its like a cubanesque style and the reason people like Tatuaje Cigars.
Yes, but it is milder than some of the other Tatuaje cigars. It's an excellent cigar for beginners to complement their palate without overwhelming them nicely.
The construction of the Tatuaje Nicaragua cigar is decent. You may see a bit crooked line as you burn through it, but that's not anything stopping the smoke and draw. Smoke output is excellent. The ash fell off earlier, not too firm.