
Tatuaje Miami


For a top-quality cigar, look no further than Tatuaje Miami cigars. Crafted in Miami by the renowned Don “Pepin” Garcia, this popular cigar is made from Nicaraguan first generation Cuban-seed tobacco. The Tatuaje Miami has a medium to full-bodied smoke and earthy undertones. As with other Tatuaje products, the Miami cigars are limited in quantity to ensure each one is of the highest caliber. Get them in boxes of 25 for the best online prices from Cuenca Cigars.


A FAQ Tatuaje miami

As the name indicated, the Tatuaje Miami cigars are handmade in Miami at the My Father Cigars Factory by Don Pepin. They are carefully handcrafted by a small group of artisans that the company keep in like a secrete treasure.
The unique part about Tatuaje Miami is that they are complete made in Miami. Tatuaje Miami is an incredible full-bodied cigar that you will love because it hits all the right notes and nuances that you look for in a premium cigar. The subtle sweetness plays well off the spice that's present throughout the smoke, so you'll find yourself enjoying its unique flavor each time you indulge in one.
Tatuaje Cojonu cigars are one of the most popular in the Tatuaje portfolio. They're crafted using only the finest filler tobaccos found in Nicaragua and covered with an Ecuadorian wrapper that makes for a full-bodied smoke with notes of leather, wood, coffee, and pepper. Each cigar is made in minimal quantities to maintain a high-quality level that they believe any discerning cigar smoker will respect; hence its true Cuban taste you will not lose out on if you get it at a competitively higher price.
The flavor of the Tatuaje Miami cigar is explained below: First Third: In the first third, you will observe robust earthiness, bread notes, pepper, coffee, and a slightly sweet taste. All these flavors die down on the first third, with pepper still carrying own its existence. Second Third: Everything comes back and hits your sense at once in the second third. You will feel cherry sweetness, coffee taste, cocoa hints, light earth, and pepper notes. Last Third: You will observe zing warm leather notes and died-off pepper sensation in this third.These cigars are limited productions.
Tatuaje Miami cigar has full-bodied smoke, which comes from the traditional Cuban-seed long-fillers tobaccos grown in Nicaragua.