La Aroma de Cuba Original Churchill Cigars are recreated old Cuban cigars by the expert blenders of Garcia family. They have meticulously crafted this blend with the help of their experienced workers in Nicaragua. Made in My Father Cigar factory, these cigars comprise of Cuban seed Nicaraguan long fillers bound by the same binder. They are encased in a dark hued broadleaf Connecticut wrapper. This blend has medium to full body strength and complex, flavourful smoke. The feisty cigar smoothly burns giving hints of earthy core and tobacco flavours. They have deservingly earned 93 point rating from the critics. These La Aroma de Cuba Original Churchill Cigars are built in the size of 7 X 50. They are presented in set of 25 placed in a designer box. To buy these flavourful premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.