Cigar Aficionado | The Top 25 Cigars of 2021
Every Year Cigar Magazines around the Published a compilation of the Top 25 Cigar of the Year. The cigar list offered by Cigar Aficionados is one of the most sought after. The blind rated cigars during an entire year, and at the end, the Highest rated cigars come in the form of Top 25 Cigar of the year. While the most important ones are usually the Top 3, cigar enthusiasts worldwide tend to look for every cigar and smoke at least once! Here is Cuenca Cigar's small contribution to this. Every year, a sampler of the Top 10 Cigars and the Top 25. We are doing something slightly different this year! By giving you the option to buy one cigar at a time and then, if the cigar is perfect for you, just come back and buy a box. Welcome to the journey!
Have you been dreaming of puffing on the same cigars as your favorite cigar lovers? Well, dream no more! Cigar Aficionado has recently unveiled its list of The Top 25 Cigars of 2021. Get all the information you need to smoke like a celebrity by reading this blog post.
In this list of the top 25 cigars, we present the finest of the finest. As expected, Padron and Fuente secure the top three spots, while newcomers like AJ Fernandez and My Father Cigars consistently make their mark on the rankings!